Friday, May 11, 2012

Gossip & Shit May 11th 2012

In the Jennifer Hudson murder trial the jury is split. The judge is like “Fuck that!” and they are being forced to reach a verdict.

Ola Ray who was the chick in the Thriller video has settled for royalties from Michael Jackson’s estate. So soon?

Patricia Krentcil has been banned from multiple tanning salons because she scares the other customers. That’s what I gather.

Thomas Beatie aka The Pregnant Man filmed his wife acting like a fucking lunatic. She had his child in a chokehold and got upset slightly. Then when the wife decided to wreck the laptop he starts crying very un-man like.

Close to twenty massage employees are claiming that John Travolta tried to get freaky with them. Which I cant blame him for trying. Isn’t that what those places are for? Huh? They’re not? Then why the fuck are people going?! Yeah, sure. Therapy. (wink)

Folks are reporting that Christina Aguilera shows up on set for The Voice two hours late daily. Can this girl get any sweeter?

Lindsay Lohan showed up at an A&E gathering looking higher than a giraffe’s pussy.

Sean Bean from Game Of Thrones was arrested for harassing his ex wife…number four. He was released though because he was great in Lord Of The Rings.

Whitney Houston’s family has signed a reality show deal. No. I mean, without Bobby Brown or Whitney who is there to even give a damn about? Unless you wanna see Bobbi Kristina and her “brother” making out.

Amanda Bynes got into another goddamn car accident.

Rihanna has finally had it with Chris Brown. No, not because he beat the fuck out of her. But because he allegedly talked shit about her in a new song. Priorities, people.

Stevie Wonder’s nephew is being brought up on extortion charges. He says he is the result of an incestuous relationship between Stevie and his sister. Automatic fail! If this were true you wouldn’t be able to speak Ainglish well enough to understand you.

Jennifer Lopez is asking a judge to allow her to bring her kids on tour with her. The judge said no because her music makes people sad. Actually, its because they cant leave California.

Jessica Simpson has signed a $3-4 million deal with Weight Watchers to lose the 65 pounds she gained while pregnant. I’m leaning more towards 90 pounds myself.

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