Friday, May 11, 2012

DVDiculous: Sherlock Holmes: Game Of Shadows

I don’t know why the hell it took me so long to finally get around to watching Sherlock Holmes: Game Of Shadows. I enjoyed the hell out of the first one and knew this one would be good. Ever since Guy Ritchie split with Madonna he’s been making good films again. And this was no exception.

Robert Downey Jr. is back again as the title character with Jude Law as Watson. The two of them work so damned well together it makes me sick. The movie starts with Holmes being stranger than we last saw him, almost as if his ass is losing his mind. There have been a series of explosions that have been killing high ranking officials. He also finds out that Watson is getting married.

Holmes meets up with a gypsy fortune teller (is there any other kind?) named Simza played by Noomi Rapace. She’s the chick from the original Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. And she’s hot as hell. Holmes saves her from an assassination attempt during Watson’s stag party in a cool ass chase and fight scene. Holmes meets up with Professor James Moriarty and this dude seems evil as hell. Which he is. He’s also as smart as Holmes.

Moriarty lets him know that he killed Adler, Rachel McAdams who is in this for a minute, and will kill Watson and his new wife if Holmes gets in the way. So of course he does just that. This attack on the train shows how great Ritchie is at action. Train scenes tend to be very predictable or just lame in films to me. But this one was just awesome.

After more intrigue, explosions, and new guns being introduced to the world along with Holmes being tortured by Moriarty they escape after Watson drops a building on them. I shit you not, he does that. They find out that Moriarty has a reason to want these different countries to go to war. He is in control of most of the medical supplies and weapons so he stands to profit either way. Evil bastard!

This movie was pretty damned cool and I wish I had seen it in the theaters when I had the chance. The fight between Holmes and Moriarty is so cool. Hell, all the fights are! The use of slow motion helps make battles seem more painful and the chase in the forest where you can see just how close bullets get to people or when wood splinters is beautiful.

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