Sunday, May 6, 2012

Perfeck Strangers "Series Premiere" Album Review

In a world where I continually bitch about the fact that there is no good music coming out, I’m always happy when Canada decides to put out music. Yeah, I know. Canada. That place up North that until a few years ago meant little to me except beer, hockey, and snow. Turns out they know a thing or four about hip-hop.

My first exposure to hip-hop there was Dan-e-o. When I started listening to Tha O Show and hearing him freestyle I was like “This dude is good. He should put out an album.” Turns out I was later than that girl’s period you took to the prom. He, as part of Monolith, had been putting out music for a while. Fast forward to me being better informed and listening to guys like Big Kish and Botany Hill I figured that I was good for a while.

Then of course there was the Ian Kamau's September 9th mixtape. I mean, come on. Canada was just pumping out the hits while musically on free radio all you had to pick from were catchy but shallow dance songs, rappers singing, or girls dressed in colorful costumes singing badly. It got to the point where I had to start my own music blog just to help me and my friends get through the week. It doesn’t seem like much to ask for. Good music that is new.

Well, it is here. Perfeck Strangers featuring Dan-e-o and Promise, who released More Than Music and Awakening respectfully. Their new album titled Series Premiere is awesome. A full length album with nothing but good songs. I say that because nowadays you’re lucky to get three out of twelve good songs on an album. And guess what?

Its free.

I shit you not, these guys are putting out music that needs to be played on radio stations for free. By going to their website here you can download the entire album for free. I don’t say its good because I’ve hung out with Dan-e-o and think he’s a nice dude. I say it because I love good shit and cant lie about music. Comedy, music, and food. Those are my shit and when I hate it I hate it and when I like it I love it and want to share it with people.

Click here to download Series Premiere.

Click here for Dan-e-o’s official site.

Click here for Perfeck Stranger’s site.

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