Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Theater Whore: The Raid Redemption

Sweet merciful crap! This was an intense movie! If you’ve ever wondered what it would be like if Streets Of Rage 2 were made into a movie, this is it. The Raid: Redemption is an Indonesian film about a twenty man SWAT team that is heading into a building run by a crime lord. The premise seems pretty straight forward and that’s because it is. No bullshit “Oh, we have to save this woman and fall in love” or “What is the meaning of life…?” nonsense. Just lots of fighting.

His gun shoots elbows.

The guy you wanna pay the most attention to, and you definitely will, is Rama. This guy is a fighting machine. He will break your arms, legs, and neck in a split second. I’m getting ahead of myself. The team arrives to the building and immediately shit goes bad. You know there’s some dirty behind the scenes stuff going on that’s high up on the food chain.

Don't bother learning these guys names.

The team starts getting killed by the tenants of the building who are told by Tama Riyadi, the crime lord, that is they kill the cops they get free rent and protection for life. The team gets cut down to pretty much five guys fairly quickly which is cool because I’m an asshole and had a hard time telling them apart.

Somebody's gonna get their neck broke...

There’s this one guy named Mad Dog. If you ever meet someone with this name try not to fuck with them. This guy actually captures the leader of the team at gunpoint. But instead of shooting him dead he lets him know that he prefers using his hands. He ends up finishing him off with a fucking running neck breaker and snapping his neck. If you’ve never seen a neck break applied in a real world situation…its pretty fucked up

Never trust a cop that wears a polo shirt under a bullet proof vest.

Rama gets captured as well after his own killing sprees and faces Andi, his brother who is a criminal. He wants to take him away but Andi is like “Fuck that, I love my life of crime!” Tama finds out that Andi is helping Rama and captures him for Mad Dog to beat to death. This leads to one of the top ten fight scenes I’ve ever witnessed. I mean…fuck.


There’s already talk of a remake. Not even talk. Its gonna happen. I don’t care to see that. Yes, you will have to read when seeing this movie but its not like there are conversations going on when people are having their heads removed by doors or being kicked onto file cabinets. This is a badass film and reminds me of old Jet Li, Jackie Chan type stuff. See this if you can. Its only at The Arclight here in Los Angeles. Oh, and the poster lies. There are only 15 floors to this building of doom. Not 30. That would be ridiculous.

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