Saturday, June 9, 2012

Jaqen H'ghar Is Awesome!

Finally finished watching Game Of Thrones the other day and I love the show. Except for the dragon girl. She sucks. How can you make someone that owns a dragon uninteresting? Easy. Have the little blond girl that seems like an angry teen who cant have her way as the one who controls them. Seriously, its dragons. Its close to impossible to fuck that up.

Let me know when she's off screen...

Anyway, this isn’t about her. Its about Jaqen H’ghar also known as being a member of the Faceless Men. This dude first met Arya Stark as a prisoner. When all hell broke loose she set him free along with two other criminals and he told her that she could name three people and he would kill them for her. He wouldn’t say how or when but it would happen very soon because fuck waiting.

I keel you!

Now, Arya could’ve used this dude to kill so many more important people but since she’s a kid things like planning and logic take a backseat to instant gratification. At one point H’ghar is given his own name which means that he’ll have to off himself. Arya takes it back and gives him a new name and he kills a bunch of guards and she and her friends are free to leave. He then gives her a magic word to say and morphs his face into a whole other guy! I hope he comes back since he’s now my favorite character after Tyrion since dude is the best thing on TV right now.


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