Saturday, June 2, 2012

Theater Whore: Moonrise Kingdom

Earlier today young Alex asked me if I had heard of a movie called Moonrise Kingdom. I had not and he told me to watch the trailer. I wrote him back that it looked painfully Wes Anderson like which made sense because it was directed by him. So we headed to The Arclight and watched the movie. We were supposed to see it at 7:45 and the damned thing sold out while we were waiting in line. So we caught it an hour later, killed time at Amoeba, and saw it. Oh, and Jeff Goldblum was there. Not in the movie. The theater.

The movie takes place in 1965 where this kid named Sam Shakusky played by Jared Gilman runs away from his scout troop run by Edward Norton as Scout Master Randy Ward. Meanwhile a young girl Suzy Bishop played by Kara Hayward runs away from her home and family where her parents are Bill Murray and Frances McDormand. They believe she has issues. Both kids do have issues. At one point Suzy stabs a kid and Sam has anger issues and sets fires.

The children in this movie are strange and actually good. I tend to not like many child actors but the way these kids act make it work. The uncomfortable moments with the parents and the times when I just gritted my teeth and cringed watching kids have their first kiss. There’s also this narrator that randomly pops up and points out important things that will occur.

The film becomes a search for the children, finding them, keeping them apart, and all kinds of other issues thrown in. It was a good movie with some very funny parts with cameos by people like Tilda Swinton, Bruce Willis, Jason Schwartzman, and Harvey Keitel. If you’re a fan of Anderson there’s no way you won’t love this movie. Its been doing very well in the few markets its appeared. Hell, we had to sit in the front row just to see it. Oh, and apparently Alex met Goldblum but I was validating the parking so I missed it.

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