Monday, July 16, 2012

TV Slut: Sherlock

I started watching the Sherlock series from BBC which continues to put out amazing series such as Luther and Being Human. D & H got me into this show which I had kinda heard about but never made any real effort to watch. What I know about the character of Sherlock Holmes is from random information as a child like “Hat, pipe, Watson, English, Moriarty, some dogs in Baskerville, and magnifying glass” and the Guy Ritchie Sherlock Holmes films. So when I started watching the series I didn’t know quite what to expect. I was pleasantly surprised at how good it is!

Sherlock is a dick. Seriously, this guy is not someone you’d want to be around in real life. If you were you’d punch him in the neck. But he is good at his job and has shown that he has the ability to fight so maybe throat chops wouldn’t be a good idea. He calls himself a “consulting detective, the only one in the world.” When the cops cant figure out cases they call him. Some of the cops hate him which of course he doesn’t care about one damned bit.

He has been described as having Asperger’s. In some cases where a little bit of tact would be nice he skips right past it. Like in one episode where these children were being fed chocolate with mercury he was excited at the case not really caring that, oh, two kids were quite possibly dying nearby. The way he can look at someone for a moment and know their life story is awesome. He can tell your hobbies, habits, vices, and diet. It shakes people up especially when he wont stop even when asked.

John Watson is a war veteran who moves in with Sherlock. He makes Sherlock more palatable by giving him a level of humanity. As their relationship develops Sherlock actually grows to care about Watson…and then moments later says something rude as hell to him. Watson runs the website where some contact Sherlock for cases. I feel bad for Watson because every time he sits down to eat a meal they have to run off to save someone.

When Watson first appears he uses a cane which Sherlock immediately knows is a mental issue. Watson goes to a therapist for PTSD but Sherlock’s brother Mycroft, who is a sneaky bastard, says is false because Watson actually throve son the excitement and danger that Sherlock brings to his life. Watson is a good guy and very likable.

Then there’s James Moriarty. This dude is scary as fuck. He isn’t big and threatening in a physical sense. He’s sick. Just looking at him you know that there’s something off about him. He first shows up through instant messages or people talking about him but not talking about him. In one episode an old lady with a bomb strapped to her gets a bullet in the head just for describing the tone of his voice. When he and Sherlock finally meet (for the second time) Moriarty takes his insane level to 11.

Kill you? Um, no. Don't be obvious I mean, I'm gonna kill you anyway, someday. I don't want to rush it though. I'm saving it up for something special! No no no no no, if you don't stop prying...I'll burn you. I will burn…the heart out of you.” Yeah. It’s pretty hard to get crazier than that. Oh, wait. No it isn’t. Moriarty by the end of the second series makes you hate him and admire his looniness. No, that is not an actual word.

What I love is that even the episodes where Moriarty isn’t there the stories are compelling. The level of detail that goes into each episode astounds me. I’m talking about the writing, the lighting, the acting, the effects, the clothing. Just everything. This show has run for two seasons with three episodes per season. I know that sounds small but each episode is about 90 minutes of the length of a feature film. Check this out if you can. If not I swear I will spoil the shit out of this show on my site.

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