Sunday, January 20, 2013

Theater Whore: Amour and Rust And Bone

Another year goes by and me and Cam decide to check out some more Oscar films. This time we decided t add on to A Royal Affair by seeing a couple of films nominated for Best Foreign Film. A few things I know about foreign films is that people die, people will be in fucked up situation, there will be all kinds of nudity, and I will leave confused at something I saw.

The first film we saw was a French one called Amour. I know that its been getting a lot of talk but I had no idea what it was about except that old people were in it. Which meant that someone had to die.

Oh, and there will be spoilers.

The film is about an old couple that have been married for quite a while. One day while having breakfast the wife just spaces out and the husband leaves the room, comes back, and she is normal. He wants to take her to a hospital but she says she is fine. It gets to the point where they find out she needs surgery. She gets it and it fails. Her right side is paralyzed and she becomes increasingly worse. This couple doesn’t have much contact with their adult and when their daughter wants to suddenly insert herself into their lives the father gets pissed.

I have told people that this film needs to come with some sort of questionnaire. How close are you with your parents? How about your kids? What kind of mood are you in? How scared are you to die? While this movie is very sad it is still good. You just really have to be in a specific mood to see this. This movie felt like I was being a fly on the wall in the life of miserable ass people…in a good way.

The next film we saw was Rust And Bone. Dear lord, the sadness! This was a good movie, don’t get me wrong, but seeing two films together that were super sad is a bad idea. This is a story about a terrible father who snatches his kids away to live with his sister who loves to fight. He ends up bouncing and meets a girl who just got punched and is trying to drive home drunk. They have an attraction but he is a manwhore and she is in a relationship.

This movie starts off with the father and son hitchhiking an rummaging for food so you know its not gonna be the happiest one ever. Just when the guy starts to get his shit together and the chick who works at a Sea World type place where she hosts the shows where killer whales do tricks ends up knocked into the water and having her legs eaten. I shit you not. That. Happens.

This movie drops these people down to levels of low that you cant even begin to imagine. Just when you think they’ve hit rock bottom they pull out a shovel and go “Nope! It goes even deeper!” I felt bad for anyone that ever met this guy. We’ve known or still know people in our lives that may bring a moment of joy at times and then shit all over your life. This is that guy. Everyone he touches ends up toxic and having their lives wrecked.

While this film was sad as all fuck there are some good parts. One part that is not good is watching a double amputee fuck. I was like “Well, I can no longer say I haven’t watched amputee porn.” Thanks for taking that off my bucket list! Still, this is a good film but its just another one that you should absolutely not watch if you’re in a bad mood or need to be cheered up.

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