Wednesday, April 3, 2013

So Much Hate: World War Z Movie

I’m not one to complain for no reason. I was almost able to say that with a straight face. A few years back I read this book called World War Z. Honestly, I bought it because the cover was awesome totally blowing that whole “not judging a book by its cover” stuff right out of the water. It immediately became one of the best books I’ve ever read in my life. The characters, the stories, the action, the zombies, the war, it was all just incredible writing on Max Brooks’ part. 

I have owned the book three times. Owned is in the past tense because I let someone borrow it and they lost it, another had their child destroy it, and another ruined it. I refuse to buy it again even though when I owned it I read it probably eight times. Its that good of a story.

When I heard that it was purchased to be made I was excited. I imagined a terrific series that could run for at the very least three seasons. There are so many characters and tales that done in a documentary manner it would’ve blown The Walking Dead out of the water. But that isn’t what happened.

It was being made into a film. 

How come why?!

Still, I held judgment. It was in development hell for years which is never a good sign. Multiple rewrites and location changes and shots needed. And then I saw the trailer and lost my fucking shit. If I were more animal than man I would’ve beat my chest, roared, and smeared shit all over my computer screen. 

The books plot.

“Through a series of oral interviews, Brooks, as an agent of the United Nations Postwar Commission, describes the history of 'World War Z'. Although the origin of the zombie pandemic is unknown, the story begins in China after a young boy is bitten; he becomes the pandemic's ‘patient zero.’ The Chinese government attempts to contain the infection and concocts a crisis involving Taiwan to mask their activities. The infection is spread to other countries by the black market organ trade and by refugees, before an outbreak of ‘African rabies’ finally brings the plague to public attention.”

The movies plot.

“As a zombie pandemic traverses the globe, United Nations employee Gerry Lane (Brad Pitt) travels the world trying to find a way to stop the pandemic that is defeating armies and collapsing governments.”

The book is told through people ranging from those that were kids when the shit hit the fan, housewives, government officials, and soldiers. By way of interviews you are walked through the outbreak going from something is wrong, I think zombies may be real, holy shit zombies are attacking us, to the fight against them. Not a single story is dull or boring. Not one! So why decide to make a film focusing on a character that doesn’t exist in the book and making a almost $200 million film? I truly hope this movie tanks terribly. I really do. 

I love books. I love books more than movies or music and when I read an amazing book and see it turned into utter bullshit I get pissed. Why couldn’t Brad Pitt just make a zombie film about the lame ass story the plot of his film is about? It sure as hell is not World War Z. If you haven’t read this book, and many people I know have not, I really suggest you give it a try. It really is good. Plus I need company on this hate wagon. Its lonely…

Click here for previous So Much Hate

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