Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Nothing But Gossip August 6th 2013

Former American Idol judge and now he is on one of those other shows just like it Simon Cowell knocked up his friends future ex wife. Lauren Silverman and her husband Andrew Silverman are splitting because Simon cant keep his junk in his pants. The couple have a 7 year old. Stay classy!

Some girls snuck into Paris Hilton’s home during a party and tried to steal some of her shit. They were discovered and dropped it while getting away. Have you noticed that Paris has started popping up in the news more lately? 

Actor Terrence Howard is in trouble for beating his wife again. Well, ex wife. They split because he was kicking her ass but they recently got back together and it happened all over again. Back in May she sent him some messages saying things like “I would start hiding if I were u“, “Be careful when u leave your place. U should move“, “I know where u and ur family live. Watch yourself.”

Britney Spears went to church recently and this is what she wore. Appropriate?

Lindsay Lohan has been saying out of trouble since leaving rehab. That’s about it. She is also hashing out some deal with Oprah

Comedian Kevin Hart got 3 years probation and 3 months of alcohol education classes for his DUI a while back. Is it me or are they going way harder on folks for weed possession than for getting behind the wheel of a car drunk? He almost hit a gas tanker by the way. Yeah. 

Rapper(?) Chief Keef who I have written about multiple times for dumb ass behavior just lost over $230,000 for not showing up at a show in London. How is it even possible he is allowed to travel overseas?! He’s still only 17 by the way. 

Attention whore Miley Cyrus recently said “I was thinking about dropping the Cyrus and just being Miley, but there's something powerful about the fact that my name now is like a household name.” 

Somebody put some clothes on this boy!

Riley Cooper of the Philadelphia Eagles is still in hot shit after a video surfaced of him shouting “I’ll fight every ni**er in here!” at a Kenny Chesney concert. He has decided to leave the team for a while and has been apologizing all over the place. The thing is, it looks like a friend recorded this. I don’t have friends that would record me saying or doing dumb shit like this and then posting it online. Either way I don’t think its smart to say things like that when you play in the NFL. Just sayin’. He is getting counseling now. Hahaha! What kind of counseling handles this? Society is so ridiculous now. The best he can do is hope no one tries to destroy him on the field. Thankfully there’s only like three Black guys that play professional football. 

Drug dealer turned criminal turned rapper turned actor turned later puncher 50 Cent has been ordered to stay away from one of his baby mama’s, Daphne Joy, and to turn in all his guns. Every time a dude beats his woman I need to see what they look like, especially if it is a rapper. They are almost always a model.


TNA wrestler Kurt Angle has been arrested again for DUI. I’m sure most of you reading this have no idea what TNA is without laughing at the name. Angle used to wrestling for WWE. (sigh) WWE is what the WWF is now called. He also won the gold medal for wrestling at the Olympics back in the 90’s. He’s been in and out of trouble for a few years now. This is his fourth drinking issue involving a vehicle since 2007. He is currently entering rehab.

Justin Bieber’s security team is in trouble for beating a guys ass and sending him to the hospital. Apparently the guys woman wanted to talk to Bieber and he said no, she got her man, then she got her man’s ass beat. How did Bieber get into a bar anyway? Have people forgotten that he is only 19? After the guy was beat Bieber allegedly jumped on the hood of his car with his shirt off shouting. And in case you forgot, here he is spitting on fans!

Can someone kick this guys ass already?!

Lady smacker Chris Brown turned himself in for his hit and run a few months back and then tweeted “Being famous is amazing when it's for  your music and talent.  I'm tired of being famous for a mistake I made when I was 18. I’m cool & over it.” Maybe you won’t beat the fuck out of women anymore. 

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