Monday, August 5, 2013

Theater Whore: R.I.P.D

I kind of knew what I was getting into by seeing this movie. It reminds me of Hellboy and Constantine from the trailer. The difference is that I’ve watched the other films multiple times and will watch them again. Not so much with R.I.P.D. This movie could’ve been good but it seemed to drift in a strange place between a serious movie and a comedy but couldn’t find the proper balance to be an actual good movie.

Ryan Reynolds who single-handedly killed any hope for a good Green Lantern film plays a cop who is betrayed by his partner, Kevin Bacon. He ends up in the afterlife and being assigned to be a policeman that brings back dead people that don’t know they are dead of some bullshit. It really doesn’t make sense especially when later on you find out they have a plan. He leaves his wife behind who is totally being perved on by Bacon. 

Jeff Bridges reprises his role from True Grit to a tee. It is pretty damn shameful. He is exactly the same guy from that film except dead. He, even after over a hundred years, still has trouble adapting to life today. It is funny for a second but afterward is just not all that interesting. 

To the living the characters don’t look like they did when they were alive. Reynolds looks like a small Chinese man and Bridges looks like a hot blond. This is just to lead to multiple times where a guy hits on “her” and he has to say something in the defense of the treatment of women. Funny once. Not three or four times. The whole point of this film is a bunch of dead guys being led by Bacon are collecting gold to create a thing that will reverse the tunnel leading to the afterlife and bringing the dead to Earth. You know. That old thing.

This movie isn’t terrible or anything. If it had gone a more serious route it would’ve probably been better. But the way they are chasing monsters around the city and tearing things apart reminded me way too much of Men In Black and I wasn’t a huge fan of that franchise. Its weird that he made a movie that’s so damned in the middle. 

Click here for previous Theater Whore.

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