Saturday, August 10, 2013

Theater Whore: Star Trek Into Darkness

The hardest thing about watching this Star Trek Into Darkness is that it feels like I am jumping into the middle of a lot of stuff that has already happened off screen. With other versions of Star Trek there are shows and such in between so that you have some kind of glimpse into what has occurred in the middle. I cant really review this the way I do other films because this is mostly running. Running from explosions, running towards explosions, running from aliens, running to ships, and running towards certain death.

As I watched this I wish it had been a story of the planet they were rescuing at the beginning. The story of Khan when finally revealed made close to no sense. It was like “Seriously? That was the big plan all along?” It was full of moments with communicators not working at just the right time and enough close calls for five separate films. It seemed like they took all of the things you know about the characters such as behavior and catchphrases and turned them up to eleven. Accents were heavier, quips more frequent, smug smiles more…smuggy. 

When I think of how badly I wanted to see this and how hard East and I tried to see it I’m kinda pissed at how average it was. They at least set the next movie up to be about exploration but it doesn’t help me really care when the first two films were s damned serious and had such important things happening. I don’t even know how Star Fleet is still standing after all the destruction that occurred. 

Click here for previous Theater Whore

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