Saturday, August 10, 2013

DVDiculous: Justice League: Flashpoint Paradox

I have to state that I found out about this movie totally on accident. I was trolling around and saw this and wondered if I had seen it already or something. Turns out I didn’t. It also turns out that this may be the very best animated DC Comics film I’ve ever seen. One of the best things a comic book film, movie, or physical comic book can do is make me really care about characters that I really don’t give a damn about one way or another. Justice League: Flashpoint Paradox was a cool ass movie from top to bottom.

Its based off of a 2011 storyline that I know nothing about because I don’t buy comic books anymore. The story focuses on Barry Allen aka The Flash and his regret at not being home in time when he was a child to save his mother’s life. After the Justice League consisting of Wonder Woman, Batman, Green Lantern, Cyborg, and Aquaman show up to help defeat some of Flash’s enemies Zoom (Reverse Flash) guilt trips Flash who runs off so fast he fucks up time. 

Flash wakes up at work and everything is weird. He heads off to go battle and doesn’t speed up. He crashes to the ground and his mother meets him. Flash is shocked that she is alive but still knows something is off. He finds out that the world is all screwed up and that Wonder Woman and Aquaman are on the verge of starting a world war between each other and Earth. 

Flash ends up in Wayne Manor and discovers that Batman is actually Thomas Wayne. In this reality Bruce was killed as a child driving his mother insane turning her into The Joker while Thomas became Batman. This is a way different version of Batman that doesn’t hesitate to shoot people in the face. Which he does. A lot. Wayne doesn’t even give Flash a chance to explain himself before beating the shit out of him. 

Wonder Woman is hardcore as fuck. She and her Amazons kill every man they meet on sight but somehow she ends up fucking Aquaman and kills his wife when she sees them doing the dirty. Now the two sides are ready to fuck up the world with their battles. 

Batman, Flash, and Cyborg end up finding out about a secret facility because Flash keeps pointing out that in his world there is a Superman. Batman mentions there was a crash in Metropolis years ago. Turns out Kal-El’s spaceship didn’t land in Smallville, but Metropolis and he is kept underground. They find him and he is skinny and looks like he is dying. Flash says he needs sunlight and once he gets it is able to use his powers…uncontrollably. Lots of folks get fried. 

There is far more to this movie including a bonus scene after the credits. The art in this was just fantastic and matched the tone of the story. The voices were on point with Kevin Conroy back as Batman. This movie is extremely brutal by the way and is so very not for kids even though it is rated PG-13. People get limbs cut off, shot in the head gushing blood, and beaten to a pulp. And it was awesome!

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