Friday, September 6, 2013

Theater Whore: The World's End

The World's End is one of those movies where as soon as its finished you have to see it again. The first half is almost like a totally different film than how it is. Actually, its not almost. It is. It starts off with Gary King played by Simon Pegg realizing while he is in a support group that the best night of his life when he and his group of friends did not complete a pub crawl called The Golden Mile. He decides that he is going to contact all of his friends and relive it but completing it this time.

He tracks down his friends that he has not seen in decades. Gary Peter Page is played by Eddie Marsan, Oliver "O-Man" Chamberlain played by Martin Freeman, Steven Prince is played by Paddy Considine, and Andy Knightley is portrayed by Nick Frost. He convinces them to come along as they head to their old town. All of his friends have moved on with their lives and have wives, kids, or jobs. King has not changed at all and they don't like it.

The friends realize that King is the same as when they last hung with him and he is very unapologetic for it. His friend Oliver's sister Sam played by Rosamund Pike shows up who once slept with King until he ran off. She leaves quickly and they all continue getting drunk. All except Andy who has not drank in almost 20 years.

Around this point the film takes a turn and becomes a sci-fi thriller and not a coming of age or whatever you wanna call it tale when King gets into a fight with a teen that is not impressed with the dent he made in the wall years ago from punching it. He ends up ripping the kids head off and this blue liquid comes spilling out. Turns out that the townsfolk have been replaced by these things they call Blanks. They look normal and have some memories from the lives they have replaced.

The rest of the movie is filled with chases, very fun fights, and lots of drinking. By this point in the movie I was so in. I mean, I liked the stuff at the beginning because this movie if you don't know anything going in seems like a regular movie until all of a sudden robots are spewing blue juice and shooting lights out of their eyes and mouths.

This was a good movie but it seemed to feel really long at certain parts. I'll definitely watch it again like I have the other films done by these guys.

Click here for previous Theater Whore

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