Thursday, September 5, 2013

Demand It!: Hell Baby

Sometimes I read movie reviews and I just say to myself “These people are some miserable ass mofos.” There are movies where I know what I'm getting into before I get started and that is my way of signing off to nonsense. This movie, Hell Baby, was a giant ball of entertaining nonsense. Just look at the damned poster. If that isn't some kinda tip that this is gonna be out there look at the work of writers/directors Robert Ben Garant and Thomas Lennon. They have worked on Balls Of Fury, Reno 911, Night At The Museum, and Taxi (which even they admit is terrible).

This movie is silly as fuck. I mean that in the best way possible. Its very silly, parts made me laugh, some made me laugh then stop laughing, then start laughing all over again, and there were genuine jump scares which even actual horrors films don't make me experience. This movie had moments where you would get into jump scare overload and then get used to it and laugh and suddenly get scared again! At one point someone actually screams “I am tired of being startled!”

The premise of this is very basic in terms of horror/spoofs. Couple move into new home and one of them gets possessed by the Devil and has a demon spawn. All those Scary Movie franchises have attempted this but whatever reason it works really well. I think a lot of it has to do with Rob Corddry's portrayal as the husband concerned for his pregnant, paint thinner drinking, cigarette smoking, therapist slaughtering, dog talking to wife played by Leslie Bibb. The home has been known to be haunted but a crime scene for multiple murders.

Keegan Michael Key shows up and is funny as fuck. Almost everything he says made me laugh. He also happens to be the source of many of the scenes that made me jump. He tells them the history of the house and lets them know he likes to sleep in the crawl spaces. 

The writers/directors also star as two priests that come to cleanse the house and destroy the demon. I am definitely going to watch this again and buy it eventually because this is one of those movies that I can pop on at any time when I feel like laughing. Its funnier than it has a right to be.

Click here for previous Demand It!

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