Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Nothing But Gossip November 5th 2013

You do not piss off Tom Cruise. He is suing In Touch and Life & Style magazines for $50 million for saying that he abandoned his daughter during his divorce from Katie Holmes. “I have in no way cut Suri out of my life -- whether physically, emotionally, financially or otherwise” he stated in documents filed against them. I know a lot of people talk shit about this guy, but to me he seems like a really stand up fella. I hope he wins this case and puts these magazines out of business. They are garbage anyway.

Amanda Bynes is allegedly going to be out of her treatment facility by Christmas. So if you have any flammable pets, you’ve been warned.

Rapper DMX must love wearing handcuffs because his ass has been arrested once again. He has no license and shouldn’t have been driving but to make matters worse he’s uninsured and so was the car he was in. He has enough mugshots to make an issue of a magazine.

Tami Erin aka Pippi Longstocking 2.0 is all aboard with her sex tape being released and has been wilding out in Vegas making out with strippers (female) and wearing damn near nothing. But the studio that put out Pippi years ago are pissed because they are using images from that movie to promote this porn which I get because she was only 14 at the time. I bet lots of fucking weirdos are mad that the young girl is nowhere in the video. I sold porn for seven years. I know how these people think.

I may have to watch this...for research purposes. 

Once again actor Josh Brolin got into a drunken fight. At least this time he was not arrested for it. He fought a bouncer and it was all on tape as well as him rear ending a cab at a drive thru before the drunk fight. He was last arrested around New Years for being a drunkard and now says he will never drink again. Time to grow up, dude. Goonies was a long time ago.

Kendell Jenner is 18 now and people are dying to see her nude or do porn. If your boyfriend or husband is one of these people...chances are you’re close to a pedophile. She is being offered around $1.8 million dollars so far to fuck on film and pick her partner. As for anyone upset about porn being involved, we wouldn’t be discussing this girl or her family if her older sister Kim Kardashian didn’t fuck on tape.

Those hands aren't big enough to cover the amount of shame she'll cause some day.

Kris Jenner recently celebrated her 58th birthday. Other parts of her are far younger.

Patricia Krentcil (beware of 99% of women with the name Patricia) is divorcing her husband. Name don’t sound familiar? How about Tan Mom?! She is trying stand up comedy and says that her husband has a small penis. Look. Knowing what she looks like in a bathing suit would make my penis into a clit.

Aah! Kill it with fire!

During a performance in Brazil Justin Bieber was whacked in the face with a water bottle. He got mad and left the stage. This is the second time this has happened to him. Soon he’ll be performing behind glass, Pope style.

Charlie Sheen and his ex wife Brooke Mueller are going at it over custody of their children. Charlie has made a lot of allegations against her lately. A judge recently denied a restraining order Brooke placed against Charlie. Denise Richards has been watching the kids but recently contacted DFCS because the kids are violent and have attacked her daughters and pets. In recent months Brooke has been in and out of rehab while Charlie has continued to improve...sort of. He recently made a cake for her and wished her happy birthday on Twitter saying “Happy Bday Brooke. When you're done sucking off the parking lot at Home Depot, why don't ya 'blow' out this candle?” This is the mother of his children, right?

Conrad Murray aka Killer of Musicians is so toxic that his lawyer is getting death threats. I doubt Michael Jackson would be pleased with this. Either way his lawyer Valerie Wass has the FBI investigating these yahoos.

Jaimie Alexander showed up at the Thor movie premiere wearing this. Hell, if she wore it in the film I might actually watch the nonsense.


Courtney Love is suing her former attorney saying that she ruined her relationship with her daughter Frances Bean Cobain. Sure. It was the lawyers fault.

Lamar Odom will not be going to jail over jacking up that photographers equipment a few months back. He will be heading to anger management classes instead. Wow. It must be awesome to be rich and famous. My ass would already be planning my last meal if I wild out in the street the way he did. Maybe they can through in a drug course or two while they’re at it. Oh, hush! You know he’s still on that stuff!

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