Sunday, December 22, 2013

Theater Whore: Her

Her – 9/10

As you can tell, lately I've been cramming in a lot of movies with Cam since it is almost time for awards so the good stuff is finally coming out after a year of some of the most booty ass films. We decided to do another one of our double features. Last night the first film we saw was Her. This led to jokes between us about movies with vague titles like Them, They Live, It, and The Thing. This movie was directed by Spike Jonze which meant that at the very least it would be interesting.

It stars Theodore Twombly played by Joaquin Phoenix. He works at a place that writes professionally made hand written letters for people. Like, if you want to tell your kids, spouse, or friend how much you love them this place will do it for you and Theodore is one of the best at it. He is in the process of getting a divorce and refuses to sign the papers. While going to sleep one night he decides to check out some chat rooms. There is a small earpiece he wears to check everything from email to talk to people and finds a woman to talk to who goes from a 2 to 11 in terms of phone sex. I won't spoil what happens but everyone in the theater was dying laughing!

One day while just wandering around he sees a kiosk selling these things called OS (Operating Systems). He gets one, heads home, and starts setting it up. What the OS does is crazy. You answer about four questions like how was your relationship with your mom and whether or not you want a male or female voice. It downloads and it starts talking to you. The program chooses the name Samantha voiced by Scarlett Johansson which is an automatic win. She always sounds like she just woke up after having the sex. At first Theodore thinks it is weird talking to her but she quickly starts to help him by first organizing his emails.

Theodore's neighbors are a married couple Amy and Charles played by Amy Adams and Matt Letscher. I swear when he came on the screen in his super high waist pants I had to turn away from the screen to keep from laughing anymore. Everyone wears weird clothes. This takes place in the future Los Angeles but the year is never said. Amy is working on a documentary and when she shows them the footage they just look confused which totally deflates her. You can tell they have problems but from what I gather about reality so does every married couple.

After a blind date with a girl played by Olivia Wilde that goes very well until the end where things get strange because she wants a relationship and he just kinda wants to fuck someone to feel something since he can't do anything with Samantha, he gets even more down on himself. Thankfully she isn't in this long because her face creeps me out.

Theodore and Samantha start to form a very strong relationship. The funny thing is that at first I was like “How is he falling in love with a voice?” But then I thought about the last few relationships I had where it was pretty much texting and phone calls and realized I was a hypocrite. Samantha spends her time learning new things and he takes her on trips. They even go on a double date with his co-worker and his girlfriend. At this point people are starting to really date their OS's and it isn't looked down on.

Theodore finally signs the divorce papers with his ex wife Catherine played by Rooney Mara. She gets upset when he tells her about Samantha. As time goes on Samantha sets up a surrogate woman to have sex with him. He is really not into it but when the girl shows up (she doesn't talk and just does what Samantha says) they start kissing but he freaks out when Samantha says that she loves him and he cant say it to the girl's face. The girl ends up crying because she was looking forward to being apart of the love they share.

Their story ends up being like far too many of my relationships have been at certain points. “What's wrong?” “Nothing.” Yeah. I've been on both ends of this. There's something wrong. His friend Amy and her husband end up divorcing and Samantha starts to get distant and meet other OS's making Theodore feel left out and jealous. The smarter Samantha got the more I kept thinking in my head “The Singularity!” If you have never heard of that or done any research on it, give it a try. Your mind will be blown.

This movie was as close to perfect as a film about relationships can be. Even though he is dating a computer system the love and fights they have mimic real ones in very real ways. There are scenes that made me squirm since it was too close to things I have gone through. There are scenes that will make you burst out laughing. Particularly this character in a video game Theodore plays that consists of a conversation filled with the little guy calling every girl “fatty” and flipping the middle finger and calling Theodore a fucker and pussy. If you get a chance to see this movie you so have to.

Click here for previous Theater Whore.

I had to add an image of Scarlett, damn it!

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