Sunday, December 15, 2013

Theater Whore: Homefront

You should never poke a Jason Statham. A bunch of drug dealers, users, and bad guys learn this the hard way in Homefront. I wasn't dying to see this but movies that I want to see are few and far between this year so I gave this a chance. This is based off a book by Chuck Hogan but the screenplay was by Sylvester Stallone. Don't laugh. That man wrote Rocky. This movie starts off with Statham as Phil Broker who is an undercover DEA agent. The DEA raid this bar full of bikers and meth. Next thing you know Broker is chasing them on a motorcycle, using it as a weapon, and the lead biker's son is shot and killed. Drugs are bad, kids.

Now living in a small town in the South where nothing good ever happens. Seriously. You say the words “small town” and “in the South” I just sit back and wait for violence. His daughter who consistently made me yell at the screen punches and spin kicks a kid in the face. Now, this chubby bastard totally deserved it. He was a movie bully in every sense. He takes her hat and she whips him. She looked silly as hell in that hat and would never wear that for real's but its a plot device. Broker has to show up and try to smooth things over but the mother played by Kate Bosworth and her husband are having none of it.

She keeps getting all up in Broker's face and I was like “Split kick this bitch!” He doesn't and her husband gets all in his grill so he has to put the Statham on 'em. The sheriff played by Clancy Brown is all “He started it so I'm not arresting anyone.” Broker's daughter's teacher is all “You shouldn't teach your daughter to fight and I know your wife is dead so you really need to be trying to get all up in me.” He doesn't as far as I know but he should. She was kinda hot. Hey, his wife has been dead a year. How long is he supposed to wait to get some stank on his hang low?! Ask me again why I'm single.

On the way home the wife is just ragging on her husband and calling him a pussy. She decides she is gonna involve her brother Gator played by James Franco. An old co-worker used to call me Gator. I called him Half Dead. Its a Penitentiary thing. Anyone named Gator is bad news by the way.

Gator is a bad dude and his lady played by Winona Ryder is...I'm don't know. She isn't stupid. She's just not bright. Gator starts fucking with Broker's house stealing shit like his cat. Broker confronts the father whose ass he kicked and wants this to be done. So of course the guy sends three friends to kick Broker's ass not realizing its Statham and he destroys them all.

Shit keeps escalating and Gator finds out that Broker used to be an undercover cop. He shares this with the biker whose son was killed and holds Broker responsible. That same biker gang shows up in town to start dealing drugs with Gator and to kill Broker. Broker finds Gator's place and finds drugs (and the missing cat), sets some explosives, and ends up being found and beaten. But he gets free and kicks all their asses because Statham.

Broker tries to get his daughter to leave with him and she throws a shit fit and I'm all “Chop her throat!” They take all day to pack and the biker's show up. A shootout starts, the only Black guy in the film gets killed because Black guys do that in movies, his daughter gets taken by Winona, Gator accidentally shoots his sister, and a car chase happens.

This was a cool action film for what it was. Its funny that all of this started because some shitty kid wanted to take a girl's hat. That's a lesson for everyone reading this. Don't pick fights with random ass folks. You never know when you'll wake up on the ground with your wife shaking her head at you shamefully.

Click here for previous Theater Whore

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