Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Nothing But Gossip January 15th 2014

Justin Bieber thought it would be a good idea to egg a neighbors house. This is a neighbor that he's already had issues with so it makes even more sense. The neighbor recorded it on video (can't see Bieber or his friends doing this but you can hear them) and it has cost about $20,000 in damage because rich people own expensive shit. Wonder what's gonna happen?


A dozen police cars with a search warrant have raided Bieber's home! Why? Because in California (perhaps elsewhere) if you do something bad and its over $400 it's a felony. So the police show up and start looking for shit connected with the case. I guess a bunch of eggs or something. They also got access to his many cameras around his home which would show if he left the house around the time of the incident or not.

While conducting a search through Bieber's home his friend Lil Za was arrested for possession of Xanax and MDMA (Ecstasy). And then he got arrested again while in jail for damaging a phone! His bail was set at $20,000.

He got soft lookin' lips tho...

Ciara is pregnant with the child of rapper(?) Future. I have honestly never heard a sound come out of this guys mouth. This will be her first child but it will be his fourth. And by his fourth I mean his fourth with a fourth woman. Come on!

Rachel Uchitel who you may know as the main woman that was being banged by Tiger Woods is single again, fellas! She married Matt Hahn back in 2011 and their divorce is now final. All's well that ends well...except they decided to have a daughter. I swear people need to stop having kids when they haven't been together for more than three years minimum.

Kanye West is in trouble once again and its all thanks to his woman Kim Kardashian! Well, kinda sorta. While heading to a doctors office this 18 year old started acting like a freak and bouncing all over the place and talking to her. He started calling the paparazzi “fa**ots” and “ni**ers.” Kim got mad because her baby daddy, Kanye, is Black and her daughter is half of that. The dude then called her a “ni**er lover” so she called Kanye which in most cases I'd agree with because this kid is a fucking idiot. But...

"I'm ker-raaaazy!"

Kanye is already under investigation for attacking photographers. He has anger issues because life. So he shows up and he and Kim follow this guy into a chiropractor’s office...wait. There is footage of this kid leaping up steps. He doesn't need a chiropractor. Anyhoot, Kanye shows up and starts beating this guy up. Just add this to his list of police issues he'll have to deal with. I don't mind a guy beating some ass over this, but Kanye doing it is bad and Kim should've thought about all the other trouble her man is already in. Doesn't she have security for shit like this?!

Apparently there is a show called Cheer Perfection and a 34 year old mom from that show was arrested for fucking a 13 year old boy. But since she's a woman she was released on bond because equality, right? She fucked him a few times and they sent each other naked ass pictures. His parents saw the pictures and called cops. Snitches get stitches!

Here is the part where you jump overboard or sigh and continue to love me.

As a 13 year old kid I wished some shit like this would happen to me! I am fully aware of how terrible that sounds. Fully aware. You don't even have to tell me how horrible it sounds. But seriously. No 13 year old is turning down adult ass.

This is all you need to know about the Golden Globe show.

Paris Hilton's dog's house cost over $350,000. There are no typos there.

Katherine Jackson refuses to stop trying to get that money from AEG for the death of Michael Jackson but a judge turned down her plea to start another trial. She's not done and has already filed an appeal.

Jessica Kiper who appeared on season 9,000 of Survivor and then on Celebrity Rehab took a picture of herself after being busted for a DWI. This isn't cute, ma'am.

Some guy named Rodrigo Ruiz is suing Jennifer Lopez for $10,000 because he sent her naked pictures of himself and some of his demo music. He corresponded with a fake version of her who wrote things like “This is Jennifer Lopez writing to you again and just to let you know that I got your packages, music, and demos. And just to let you know you need to send me pictures of you with and without clothes” and “This is Jennifer Lopez and as you can tell its been a while since I last wrote and as you can see I have a new boyfriend which means your in for the long haul and you have to put up with the fact that I am fucking him and sucking his dick.” Some 50-something year old chick was really doing this to him. Take a loss and walk away, dude.

Model Gisele Bundchen was out having fun with her one year old daughter. No harm in that.

T-t-the fuck are you doing?!

Octomom got charged with three felony counts of welfare fraud. She didn't disclose her income and all the money she made from stripping and making porno videos and such. She could get five years in prison which we know won't happen because overcrowding. She failed to report $30,000 and her bail is set at $25,000 which is just strange to me. Good luck getting someone to take her 14 kids! Yeah. I think people forget that she did have six other kids before those other eight showed up.

David Cassidy from The Partridge Family (years ago!) was arrested for the third time for drunk driving. How about taking his license away forever?

Venus Williams had her car stolen, didn't report it, and the guy who stole it got caught anyway. Gabriel Vella was pulled over for running a red light, handcuffed, and then he took off running and was caught. Jackass. I wrote this just to post an image of her sister, Serena Williams

Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown's daughter and adopted son Bobbi Kristina and Nick Gordon got married. Lots of people are grossed out saying that they are brother and sister. I say its fine. I like when crazy gets with crazy. It keeps far less crazy people from having the chance to stumble into a relationship with either of them. 

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