Saturday, February 15, 2014

Theater Whore: RoboCop

RoboCop 6/10

When the director of your movie tells his friend “the worst experience of his life” and “for every ten ideas he has, nine are cut” followed by “It is hell here. The film will be good, but I have never suffered so much and I do not want to do it again” you know that you're in for one hell of an experience one way or another. I've been championing for this movie ever since the first images of the new RoboCop design came out and after seeing it I have to say it was...okay.

This is very different from the original movie in terms of everything except the names and the fact that it takes place in Detroit. Instead of being murdered by a gang of guys Murphy is killed by dirty cops. This film is about police corruption as much as its about evil companies doing what they need to to make sure they make as much money as possible. It gets kinda distracting with the back and forth between the company, the cops, and the family. OCP has robots in almost every country but in the U.S. They seem rather effective but scary as shit.

Murphy is blown up except for his hand, head, and lungs. He freaks right the fuck out when he sees himself. I mean, he asks to see what is left of himself and I would've had them stop once I saw that my dick was missing. His wife wants to see him and they keep putting it off and when he finally sees her she is way more understanding than I expected.

RoboCop is good at his job but the fact that he still has human emotions attached makes him just a little bit slower than the company wants. They decide to fuck with him and make it so that he won't even acknowledge his family or his old partner. He ends up breaking through this and investigating his own death which is something that the folks at OCP are not happy about because everyone rich in this movie is evil.

This movie was alright but a bit heavy handed with the evils of money stuff. The action was cool and the movie looked great. There was potential for a really awesome film here but it sounds like the studio had their hands so far up the directors ass that there was only so much he could do. A lot of people were upset this is a PG-13 film instead of R which I can see a bit. A film doesn't have to have a ton of gore to be good. If you're married to the original film chances are you won't like this one. I liked it and would watch it again if it was on TV.

Click here for previous Theater Whore

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