Wednesday, February 19, 2014

TV Slut: American Horror Story Season 3

This series American Horror Story manages to test the limits of fucked up things you think you've seen. I have seen foreign films like Rust & Bone where I said to my Camille “Great. Now I can't say that I haven't seen paraplegic sex.” Watching season three of American Horror Story: Coven I can also add zombie sex, bestiality, and ghost fucking to that list. Every season manages to top the previous in terms of messed up things you'll witness.

This season is about a coven of witches living in a boarding school for troubled girls called Miss Robichaux's Academy. The school is run by Cordelia Foxx played by Sarah Paulson. Her mother is the supreme, head witch named Fiona Goode played by Jessica Lange. To be the supreme you have to perform the Seven Wonders which is a series of powers. The problem is when a new girl starts to gain more powers the supreme starts to get weaker. Fiona already has cancer which is messing with her and whoever this new powerful girl is is just making her weaker.

A new girl shows up Zoe played by Taissa Farmiga after she kills a boy after having sex with him. Like, his entire damned face starts bleeding when she has sex with someone. She uses this as a weapon at one point. Its as bad as you think. Other girls at the school are Queenie played by Gabourey Sidibe who has the power to hurt people by messing herself up. Before she came to the school she dipped her hand into a deep fryer and burned a rude customer. There is Nan played by Jamie Brewer who can read minds. And finally there is Madison played by Emma Roberts who is a famous actress that can do all kinds of stuff but has drug and drinking issues. And she fucks everything.

Myrtle Snow shows up played by Frances Conroy. Oh, she is so crazy that its awesome! She shows up with a couple of others witches to check on the girls. They deem that Fiona is dangerous, specifically Myrtle because she has hated Fiona for years and knows that she is crooked. She ends up being lied about and burned at the stake. She is brought back by Misty Day played by Lily Rabe who is a hippy witch. I love her in this. She just tends to live in the wold listening to Stevie Nicks (who makes a guest appearance). God, I haven't even mentioned the voodoo stuff!

Angela Bassett shows up looking fine as fuck as Marie Laveau. She is immortal and ends up making Kathy Bates as Delphine LaLaurie. She has a thing for torturing slaves and using their blood on her skin to keep it young. After being cursed with immortality and having her family slaughtered by Marie she is buried alive under her home which is now a museum for over a hundred years to be dug up by Fiona who wants to live forever.

There is so much that happens in this that I haven't even mentioned. Just so much. This season was great and every episode was better than the last. There is a part during the Seven Wonders where you get to see everyone's own hell or hear them talk about it that's crazy. Not everyone makes it till the end of the season and you'd be surprised who makes it and who does. The first season was great. The second season took a few episodes to get me into it. This third season was just amazing.

Click here for previous TV Slut

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