Sunday, February 9, 2014

Theater Whore: The Wolf Of Wallstreet

The Wolf of Wallstreet 8/10

It took me a while to finally get around to see The Wolf Of Wallstreet and I'm kinda pissed about it seeing as how I've been watching so many bad films (with another cued up and ready to watch right after I finish writing this). I held up on seeing it because I had watched interviews and read one written by the daughter of the guy, Jordan Belfort, that this is based off of. He's a dick. This movie portrays him as a dick. This movie also makes doing drugs seems awesome!

This is about the rise and fall of Belfort played by Leonardo DiCaprio. He goes from an alright kinda guy to this massive dick at the speed of light! He cheats on his wife with this hot chick played by Margot Robbie that he meets at a party and ends up marrying her. I'm jumping way ahead of myself. Belfort gets a job trading with Matthew McConaughey who inspires him to be a beast. I had no idea he was even in this movie.

He comes up with a plan and hooks up with Jonah Hill. They bring along a bunch of guys that Belfort knew coming up and they end up being real successful at getting idiots to part with their cash. They are good at it but of course they take shit way too far. Drugs, gambling, sex with hookers, shaving a woman's head, and whatever terrible thing you can think of that a human would do with more cash than they know what to do with.

Shit starts to go downhill when a cop starts digging for information. At this point you're just watching a human car wreck. One of the funniest parts of this, and there are plenty, is when they take this expired drug Lemmon that has been discontinued. Nothing happens so they take more and it kicks in at the worst possible moment for everyone involved. This movie was pretty damned cool. Cam had mentioned it to me after she saw this and I agree that Jonah Hill was pretty damned good in this. I can't picture anyone else pulling off his part the way he did. Check this out if you get the chance. I have now seen 8 of the 9 films nominated for Best Picture!

Click here for previous Theater Whore

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