Friday, February 7, 2014

Theater Whore: Gravity

Gravity 4/10

Oh, Gravity. You're such a...nice looking film. That's about all the good I can say about what is continuously being called a great movie. Its not. Its just a pretty plate with nothing on it. Sandra Bullock is Dr. Ryan Stone and George Clooney is Lieutinant Matt Kowalski. That's all you need to know about this movie. Clooney is his usual fuckable self while Bullock reprises her role from Speed as a frantic dame in need of help from a man.

This is gonna be full of spoilers so if you don't wanna know some shit then skip this post.

This is Stone's first mission where she is clumsy as shit and not sure of anything she does. Its Kowalski's last mission so you can bet that he is gonna die. Them's the rules. So while floating around at a space station Russia is busy playing with missiles and debris from satellites start flying the station and astronauts. Next thing you know all hell breaks loose.

Everyone gets killed, Stone breathes hard a lot, and Kowalski floats away because he can't handle listening to Stone freaking the fuck out and goes off to die like an old elephant. The rest of the movie is Stone bumbling through space running from trash, fire, physics, ghosts, her past, howls with some dogs, almost drowns, and defies nature by being able to swim and walk after spending time in space! Come on. Why is this being praised for anything other than how good it looked?

Click here for previous Theater Whore.

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