Friday, February 7, 2014

Nothing But Gossip February 6th 2014

The nut that called Kim Kardashian a “ni**er lover” and got paddy caked by her man Kanye West has had his case thrown out because “victim unavailability.” That's a new one. He wanted $250,000 and West was willing to pony up but it seems this strange ass dude wasn't around.

A fan rushed the stage as Taylor Swift performed in London. Security removed him and sadly for hundreds of boyfriends who didn't want to be there, the show continued.

Tyrese Gibson is in a custody battle with his I'm assuming ex wife. She claims that instead of spending time with his 6 year old daughter he has been “gallivanting throughout Dubai staying in expensive hotels, partying on yachts, sky-diving with other movie stars, driving expensive cars, and making special appearances in night clubs.”

A dude named Luis Flores will be spending the next three and a half years in prison for stealing personal information and from the accounts of Kim Kardashian, Kris Jenner, Robert Mueller who is the former Director of the FBI, Ashton Kutcher, Tom Cruise, Joe Biden, Michelle Obama, and Bill Gates. This guy aimed for the stars. Literally.

There was a wake today for actor Philip Seymour Hoffman (Boogie Nights, Punch Drunk Love, Mission Impossible 3, The Master) who died of a drug overdose of what appears to be a large amount of heroin. Some reports say that he still had a needle in his arm and multiple bags of heroin around. There's some bad batch of the stuff going around that has killed people in the last couple of months. It is being said that a single drink he had after 23 years of sobriety got the ball rolling. He was 46 years old and leaves behind his partner and three kids.

Chris Brown may be in trouble. He left rehab for a “charity” event where there was a lot of booze and chicks. His lawyer says that a sponsor from rehab was there with him and he stayed for just ten minutes. Really, y'all? The L.A district attorney wants his ass jailed immediately but judges are all like “He's famous” That's how I see it.

Charlie Sheen is mad at Ashton Kutcher because who cares anymore?

Dog the Bounty Hunter and his wife were in a hit and run accident. No mullets were harmed.

Rapper and consistent fuck up DMX will be fighting George Zimmerman is what is being called a “celebrity” boxing match. Three rounds. Pure bullshit. Let's look at the combatants. I've been watching boxing my entire life so I know a thing or two about this shit.

No matter who wins we all lose. Black, White, Peruvian. Doesn't matter. Why bother keeping a guy that got away with murder in the spotlight by giving him money to fight? And even if DMX actually kills this guy somehow with oversized boxing gloves it won't bring Trayvon Martin back. The kid is dead at the hands of someone who couldn't fight a teenage boy. DMX we can safely assume has been in a lot of fights. He's from New York. They kill each other because its too hot or too cold. But Zimmerman as far as we know can't win a fight without a weapon. Should be interesting. And by interesting I mean shameful as shit.

The L.A County Sheriff's Department want Justin Bieber charged with felony vandalism following the whole egging incident. Its so crazy that that stupid little stunt led to so much including his friend being arrested. Bieber was also at a party thrown by Diddy and brought his new side piece with him. He was photographed drinking what is likely alcohol but in a water bottle. People need to stay away from this kid. He's a virus. Almost forgot. During a flight on a private jet he and his friends smoked so much weed that the pilot had to wear a mask. And before you ask, yes, his father was there.

Then this happened.

Selena Gomez, who has dated Bieber off and on went to rehab and it is being reported to learn how to get over him. Oh, and marijuana, alcohol, and prescription drugs. She left rehab after a couple of weeks into the six week program. Good luck. Bieber's new girl, Chantel Jeffries, has body and is gonna bang her way to stardom.

Kylie Jenner just can't wait to be a fuck up like the rest of her family. She's hanging out with Lil Za. Don't know him? He's one of Bieber's friends and the one that was just arrested and charged with three felonies including possession of a controlled substance. Oh, and she is only 16 and he's 20.

There was a huge stink over Google using an image of Harriet Tubman wearing a do-rag which is fucking ridiculous since she wore one into her 80's. Go and find a picture of her not wearing one where she isn't knocking on heaven's door! People, leave getting mad over nothing to me.

Woody Allen's kids have been bringing up past incidences of sexual abuse at his hands and then a quote from a 1976 interview he did with people quoted his as saying “I'm open-minded about sex. I'm not above reproach; if anything, I'm below reproach. I mean, if I was caught in a love nest with fifteen 12-year-old girls tomorrow, people would think, yeah, I always knew that about him. Nothing I could come up with would surprise anyone...I admit to it all.” Stay classy, sicko.

Singer(?) Ke$ha is still in rehab for an eating disorder. It is a 30 day program but she's been there a bit over a month now. Good for her. Her producer Dr. Luke has been barraged with death threats on Twitter over accusations that his comments caused her eating disorder.

Eddie Murphy's daughter's Shayne and Bria posed in lingerie. This dude makes good looking women. Sure, their mom is hot as well, but some on. The creepy thing is that the pictures were taken on Nicole Murphy (drop the last name already) and their future father in law Michael Strahan's bed. 

Equal parts creeped out and turned on.

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