Sunday, March 16, 2014

Theater Whore: Only Lovers Left Alive

Only Lovers Left Alive 4/10

So H. and I got a chance to check out Only Lovers Left Alive starring Tom Hiddleston and Tilda Swinton and all's I can say about it is...meh. Which sucks because I was looking forward to this movie since I heard it even existed. I like both of these actors and the director so I was looking forward to seeing the two of them just wrecking shit as vampires. Or being interesting. Neither happened. They look like vampires. They act like them, I guess. They just didn't at any point make me go “Wow, I can't get enough of watching these two together!”

Hiddleston and Swinton star as Adam and Eve...yes. Those are their names. Adam is a reclusive musician who lives in Detroit and seems to not really enjoy technology. Most of his house contains old things or stuff he has put together. He has a helper Ian played by Anton Yelchin. Ian helps Adam get old guitars and equipment. Adam does not drink blood by attacking people, rather he gets it from a hospital by paying cash to a shady doctor.

Eve lives in Tangier and gets her blood supply from a vampire named Marlowe played by John Hurt. She seems to enjoy her life there and only leaves because Adam seems miserable when they video chat. She gets there and tries to cheer him up and discovers that he's had a wooden bullet made to seemingly kill himself. After she, Adam, and even Marlowe have a dream about Eve's sister she shows up and pretty much ruins their lives in the span of two days.

This was not a terrible movie. I didn't hate it but I never need to watch it again. Its a Jim Jarmusch movie so expects a lot of music and not all that much dialogue at times. The ending upset me as did the rules in this vampire world. They drink blood and stay out of daylight. But there is a weird thing with gloves, choosing to drink one blood type over others, whether they can enter places uninvited or not. Its not explained clearly and this movie ends up making more questions as it moves along. If you like these actors and the director you'll like it visually. For the story I can't say check it out.

Click here for previous Theater Whore

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