Saturday, March 15, 2014

TV Slut: True Detective

What an amazing TV show! If you have heard people talking about True Detective and how great a show it is, they aren't lying to you. You can keep all your shows about zombies that have no real ending, drug dealers, and serial killer shows that don't know when to stop. I'll stick to the show about two detectives trying to solve a bunch of creepy and grizzly ass murders going on in Louisiana.

This stars Woody Harrelson as Martin “Marty” Hart and Matthew McConaughey as Rustin “Rust” Cohle. Everyone just calls them Rust and Marty.

The way the show is paced in great. It goes back and forth between a terrible murder from 1995 and an investigation in 2012. When Marty who has two daughters and is married first meets Rust things are off from the beginning. Rust is a strange man. He has his beliefs and they are strong and there's no way in hell to convince him otherwise. He rubs people the wrong way with his straightforward way of talking and handling things. Marty seems good at his job but of course as the series goes on you see more and more of what is wrong with this guy.

As the time shifts back and forth between the past and present you see how the characters behavior ended up making them the way they are now. Looking at a clean cut Rust with long hair and seeming out of it all the time but very clever was cool. The guys interviewing him seem to think he has lost his mind as he chain smokes and drinks the entire time. Marty looks like he has his shit together but as I was watching it and seeing the truth it made me kinda hate him.

The settings, music, and writing on this show are perfect. With only eight episodes in the season there wasn't any time to waste and they used every 58 minutes to further the characters and the story. This isn't one of those shows where you can clean the room while its on or skip an episode. There are details everywhere and clues so if you miss something you'll be lost.

Da fuk?!

Cam got me into this show and I was hooked from the first episode. She and I were talking about how its great that the season wrapped up and that the next season will feature a new cast. This story is done. No need to drag it out. I like that format and wish more shows would try it.

Click here for previous TV Slut

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