Friday, May 23, 2014

Theater Whore: God's Pocket

God's Pocket 2/10

Death Becomes Her. American Psycho. Dr. Strangelove. These are dark comedies. I had no idea that the second film Cam and I saw for the night called God's Pocket was supposed to be one as well. After I found out that it was considered one my reaction was “Oh? Oh...okay. I guess I could see that. Kinda.” When a movie starts off with a sad ass looking funeral without a hint that something funny could even happen its hard to jump to that conclusion. This movie had a very strong cast including Phillip Seymour Hoffman, Christina Hendricks, John Turturro, Richard Jenkins, and Eddie Marsan. A lot of good people just wasted in this.

Since I couldn't laugh at this movie I had to watch it as a film that felt as if it didn't know where it needed to go. You see a couple that has uncomfortable looking sex followed by waking their drug using son up for work. He gets there, drops some n-bombs, and gets his punk ass killed by an old Black man. The crime is covered up and funeral plans are made. His mother (Hendricks) thinks that something else had to have happened since she thinks her son was a good kid. The step-father (Hoffman) and his friend (Turturro) have side scams that they are running. Money needs to be made to pay off bad men and for the kids funeral.

A reporter that has a drinking problem (Jenkins) is covering the story of the kids death and interviews the mother and falls in love with her as soon as he sees her which is not hard. Its Hendricks. This movie begins to be a series of people doing the worst thing they can in a situation but its not funny. Its just stupid. I don't usually give a damn about how critics rate films since they see them all for free and most times review films without seeing them but this movie has gotten a lot of bad reviews across the board.

Maybe this could've been better if someone else had directed it (this is actor John Slattery's first time directing). I'm not sure. Maybe its just a bad film. In the end this film is pointless. No one learned anything. No one grew from it. I left the theater and the only thing I was happy about was the popcorn, Milk Duds, Mexican food in my stomach, the fact that I got to hang with my friend, and saw an incredible film before this one. You shouldn't bother seeing this. Its a waste of everyone's time. The center of this movie is a terrible young man where no one bothers to explain why he is the way he is and never says why everyone lets him act like such an asshole.

Click here for previous Theater Whore

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