Friday, June 20, 2014

Theater Whore: Edge Of Tomorrow

Edge Of Tomorrow 5/10

I wasn't dying to see Edge Of Tomorrow. The title is silly, the trailer didn't tickle my pickle, and, my god, Tom Cruise has released some stinkers lately. But I decided to give this a try because I am dying to see some good movies. This one wasn't as bad as I thought it was gonna be but I wouldn't start telling people to go see it. Its in the future at some point and Cruise plays Major William Cage who...wait. William Cage? Really. Let me look at the names he has used in his last few films. Jack Harper, Jack Reacher, Stacee Jaxx, and Ethan Hunt. Come on now.

Cage (sigh) gets forced into fighting against a bunch of aliens that are attacking Europe. Its so silly. They send this guy who is a flight risk and has absolutely no combat experience to help spearhead the last ditched effort against these Mimics (never explained why these aliens are called this because they don't mimic a damned thing). He manages to land on the battlefield and dies. But not really. He wakes up right after he was caught and taken to boot camp.

This happens over and over and over...and over and over...and over...and over again. I was like “Okay! I get it! He is stuck in a loop!” During one of his many times dying he comes across this chick that is known by everyone as being badass. Its like she knows what the enemy is doing before they do. Turns out after getting particular alien blood in you at the moment of death you get the ability to go back to a certain point and do things over and over...and over again. The chick Sergeant Rita Vrataski played by Emily Blunt trains him to fight. This gets old fast because I am watching the same stuff play out way too many times. I was waiting for the movie to end and, oh, there's 50 minutes left!

This movie was way longer than it needed to be. The repetitive nature of the movie didn't help. The aliens didn't look cool. They looked like something out of a video game. Each one that was killed had to be shot hundreds of times...or hit with a blunt object. The goal of reaching the “Omega” thing was just silly. Not really sure why Cruise did this movie. The cast and actors were fine but this is one of those movies that kinda didn't need to be made.

Click here for previous Theater Whore.

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