Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Theater Whore: 22 Jump Street

22 Jump Street 6/10

Since I liked 21 Jump Street so much that I had to watch this sequel 22 Jump Street. It has the same stars, Channing Tatum, Jonah Hill, Nick Offerman, and Ice Cube. But they added a few more to the cast and one that was especially awesome and deserved way more screen time was Jillian Bell. That girl was funny as hell and I'd never seen her in anything before. The movie starts with a guy named Ghost played by Peter Stormare who is the bad guy, of course. Schmidt (Hill) and Jenko (Tatum) go undercover as cholos to try and bust them. It all goes to shit when an octopus jumps Schmidt and the bad guys get away.

Deputy Chief Hardy (Offerman) sends Schmidt and Jenko on another undercover case. He tells them to do exactly what they did the last time. He then goes on to explain what is going to happen in the movie including all the problems they will have and how they will overcome them. They need to find out why a girl was killed that involves a drug called WHYPHY (Word hard, yes. Play harder yes.) and are roomed together. Immediately Jenko makes friends with the jocks while Schmidt struggles as usual to talk to people. Schmidt ends up meeting and hooking up with a girl named Maya played by Amber Stevens who has the roommate from hell.

Jenko and Schmidt begin to get further apart since Jenko is enjoying time with the football players and playing on the team while it seems that Schmidt is left doing all the work. At a dinner for parents Schmidt finds out that Maya is the daughter of Dickson, (Ice Cube). He loses all his shit and destroys the place and Maya has no idea why. At a meeting Schmidt wears a bullet proof vest since Dickson is pissed. Jenko doesn't understand why until he puts two and two together and runs out of the room screaming that Schmidt fucked Dickson's daughter.

The case ends up being solved and Deputy Chief Hardy has a press conference and announces that the case was solved exactly like it was in the first film. There is a funny ass chase where Jenko is doing parkour moves and Schmidt calls him Spiderman and Jenko says that he isn't and does a funny slow motion Spiderman pose in his Spiderman colored football uniform. Schmidt goes back on patrol while Jenko stays in college and is offered a scholarship.

The realize that the real culprit was not the guys they were looking for but the crazy roommate, Mercedes. They head to Puerto Mexico and she ends up taking Dickson hostage. Mercedes and Schmidt get into the most awkward ass fight I have ever seen that includes accusations of kissing, lube, and ends with a guitar across the head.

This movie was funny but there was something missing. They should have for sure included more of Ice Cube, Jillian Bell, and Offerman. Every time they were on screen I laughed my ass off. I would suggests checking this movie out, but like it is implied in the movie itself, its just like the first film.

Click here for previous Theater Whore

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