Monday, December 22, 2014

Stuff You Should Have Watched In 2014

This was a surprisingly good year for television. I used to watch a ton of TV but over the years I got sick of shows either being canceled too soon, dragging on for too long, or being just like every other show on television. Seriously. I can only watch so many shows about a detective that has a special ability/is a raging asshole to everyone. I decided to write a little bit about some of the shows this year that got me super excited and had me dying to see the next episode like Game of Thrones of course though they fumbled about two episodes.

There were some shows I was very disappointed in like The Strain. They really fucked that show up with terrible acting, writing, and effects. I wanted that show to be so good. I started watching The Affair and three episodes in I hate everyone involved. I'll try but its hard. Okay. On to the good stuff!

I found out about this BBC/PBS show The Escape Artist months after it debuted from Cam. Its a BBC series so that means it only has three episodes which it turns out is a god thing. One hour episodes with so few episodes means that every single one has to be important. It stars David Tennant as a barrister that does his job defending people even when it is shady as hell. The first episode does a great job of establishing him as a a character and by the end I was like “Oh, no!” He defends a guy named Liam Foyle played by Toby Kobbell (who plays Doctor Doom in the upcoming Fantastic Four movie) and I will leave it at that. I so don't want to spoil this show for anyone that didn't see it. Every minute and detail of this show is important and all the acting is great. I strongly suggest you check this out...if you can find it. I watched it on Amazon.

I got into The Flash on CW late. Donnie mentioned it to me and I was like “Eh...naw.” I had given up after Smallville upset me. I never watched Arrow. Flash isn't even in my top ten favorite superheroes. But I gave it a try and I'll be damned if I wasn't hooked from the first episode. After about nine episodes they have yet to stumble. Years after the murder of his mother and watching his father that he knows is innocent he gets turned into The Flash after an “accident.” Each episode has been fun, exciting, entertaining, and dare I say it?, touching. Grant Austin stars as Barry Allen aka The Streak. He gets his name later. I don't know much about the character in comics outside of the basics so everything on this show is new to me and I have nothing to compare it to other than the Justice League cartoon. If you've been on the fence about this show I suggest you give it a shot.

Fargo is the one show I got mad at people for not watching. All ten episodes were good and even when they did something that I hate in any other show or movie they managed to make it even better. Martin Freeman as Lester Nygaard “accidentally” kills his wife after being pushed too far by her and asks for help from an obviously dangerous man named Lorne Malvo played by Billy Bob Thornton. The breakout star of this was Allison Tolman playing deputy Molly Solverson as well as Colin Hanks as Gus Grimly. This was one of the most addictive shows of the year and one that I could never guess where it was headed. Though it is a show about murder there are quite a few moments that will make you laugh out loud. There is gonna be another season of this and I hope they can capture the same magic one more time. Ten episodes were enough for this story, not the twenty that shows are starting to do.

True Detective is hands down one of the best seasons of a show ever created. Not enough people I know watched this and it sucked because this is a show that is fun to talk about with other people that watched every week waiting to see where it was going. Matthew McConaughey stars as detective Rustin Spencer “Rust” Cohle. He starts off looking like hell and flashbacks show him as a very different guy and you wait to figure out why. Woody Harrelson is detective Martin Eric “Marty” Hart who is pretending to be far more clean cut than he really is. The murder that they are trying to solve is damned near impossible to figure out unless you are paying very close attention. Another great thing about this show is that there is an actual payoff. This show will hook you very fast so if you decide to jump in be ready to lose a lot of what used to be free time.

Constantine was a show that I was very excited about from the start. The first episode was kinda shaky but quickly remedied after the removal of a cast member. His origins are changed from the Hellblazer comic book and even though I know some stuff about the comic I wasn't a huge enough fan for me to be upset about it. This is nothing like the movie of the same title. Played by Matt Ryan he already knows that he is going to hell when he dies and is reluctantly working with an angel named Manny played by Harold Perrineau to stop the increasing dark forces. The story, effects, and acting on this show is good. I missed it a few times because it comes on at 10pm on Friday nights which is like daring people to not watch your show. NBC is notorious for ruining shows just as much as Fox is. For weeks it looked like this show was going to be canceled but it is actually movie to 8pm starting next month which is awesome. 

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