Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Theater Whore: The Bababook

Bababook 9/10

Holy shit. I wish I'd waited a few days before writing my Top 12 movies of the year. Before I even get started let me say that there will be spoilers in this review of BababookCam and I went to check this out at the Sundance Theater which is only $5 on Tuesdays and this is one of the creepiest movies I've ever seen. This movie is super fucked up. Everything that a human can do to make you freak the fuck out happens in this movie. And it was amazing!

This is the story of a mother named Amelia. It starts off with her having a dream of a car accident before being awakened by her son, Sam. He had a bad dream and wants her to read a story. She reads one to him a coupe of times before he falls asleep. The next night he pulls a book off the shelf called Mister Bababook. As soon as she starts reading it I was like “You should put that down!” She doesn't and he freaks right the fuck out while she tries to calm him down.

This kid can not sleep now and when he can't seep his mother can't sleep. She heads to work at the hospital and can not function and is having trouble dealing with her son. Her sister knows that she is stressed out even though she tells everyone that she is fine. Her son continues to not be able to sleep and builds weapons to fight this Bababook. His mother starts to get tired of his shit until she starts to hear things around the house.

We find out that on the way to give birth to her son that there was a car accident that killed her husband. We later see it and it is pretty fucked. Anyhoot, Amelia starts to hear sounds and see things. Her son can not be controlled at school and is sent home with his mother. She goes to a doctor to give him sleeping pills but her sleep is way worse. After destroying the book it arrives back on her porch put back together but showing images of her killing the dog, her son, and herself. So she burns it.

This movie was made for just a couple million and in Australia but there aren't a ton of scenic shots so it feels like it could have happened anywhere which contributes to the fucked up nature of this movie. I fucking loved this movie and everyone involved should be proud of themselves. I have seen every nature of horror movie and this one gets you on realistic levels. If you hate your kids you'll cheer at certain parts. And just so you know a dog gets murdered and it made people in the audience gasp. I don't have kids or a dog so I was all like “That's what happens when you don't run!” Go see this if you get the chance. It is great.

Click here for previous Theater Whore

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