Saturday, January 24, 2015

Theater Whore: R100 and Symbol

R100 Film 8/10

The other night Koko and I went to see a double feature of Hitoshi Matsumoto movies over at Cinefamily. I had never been to this theater before and I really liked the way it was set up. The first was called R100. It is about a guy that signs up for a strange ass club for guys that are into S&M. There is a verbal contract and the guy can not stop it once its started. He is a plain enough guy that works at a furniture store. His wife is dying and in a coma. He spends a little time with his son and his father-in-law.

Next thing you know these women start showing up and assaulting him. And its great. He is eating sushi and one appears out of thin air and starts smashing his food. He gets attacked on the street. Drowned in a pool. He loves it until the Queen of Saliva dies. There's even a woman that eats people whole and people who critique the movie as its happening that ask the questions we all wanted to ask.

At this point if you are on board with this crazy ass movie it only gets better. The CEO of Bondage played by Lindsay Kay Hayward shows up cursing up a blue streak and vowing to destroy the guy. She was actually at the theater and did a Q and A, tied some folks up, and Koko and I go to talk to her during intermission. I had my mark out moment telling her that as soon as I saw her on screen I knew who she was though I mixed up OVW and FCW. This movie was fucking insane and I laughed during one scene so hard I almost fell off the couch.


The second feature was Symbol. So hard to describe this movie. The premise is simple but so weird. A guy wakes up in a room with a high walls and suddenly these little angels start giggling at him before disappearing into the walls leaving only their dicks sticking out. Yep. When the guy taps one of the dicks an item comes out. Sushi. Chair. An African. He spends his time going crazy and/or trying to figure out how to escape.

There is also a story about a luchador happening and you don't figure out how this even ties into the other story until way later and it is a very “What the fuck just happened?!” moment. This was a good movie but aggravating at times because it seems like the guy is just being fucked with and there is no chance to be free. Imagine Old Boy times a hundred.

Click here for previous Theater Whore

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