Saturday, January 17, 2015

Theater Whore: Boyhood

Boyhood 0/10

I was just telling Cam earlier today that I've only given a 0 to two films. Absent and Vampire Academy. Absent because I refuse to believe that that was a movie and VA for personal reasons. Boyhood has now joined that list. Why? Because it is bullshit. I am pissed that anyone said that this was a great movie. Gimmick? Sure. I'll give it that. But this is not even close to being a good movie. This movie meant nothing.

This is about a family and what happens between them over the span of 12 years. There's a boy who is not very interesting. An annoying daughter that isn't interesting. A father that is not around that may be but isn't on screen long enough. And a mother that has terrible taste in men. There is your main cast that you have to deal with for the next almost three hours.

Three fucking hours!!!

Cam had already seen this and wondered if it were just her that didn't like this. We do not have the most similar taste in films. After a little over an hour and a half I had to ask her about a gun that was given to the boy as a present. I asked “Okay. Does anything happen with the gun?” The answer was no. No one was killed. This is where I tapped out.

Cam was upset at how shitty the mother was in regards to leaving her kids while she figured shit out. There is a part where she leaves her kids with an abusive alcoholic she married. Just up and leaves. Then she just shows up and moves them leaving their new brother and sister, their home, and all their friends. Then she has the nerve to get mad at her daughter for getting mad!

I had to know how this “movie” would end. It ended with the boy in college having a boring ass conversation about bullshit nonsense which was fitting. The fact that anyone was nominated for any “acting” is bullshit. The best thing about this movie is the music but since its a Richard Linklater film that is to be expected. This movie is ass. Cam had a great question. She wanted to ask someone who loved this What is your favorite scene?

Click here for previous Theater Whore

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