Saturday, January 17, 2015

Theater Whore: Vice

Vice 1/10

They didn't even try. The actors didn't try. The actresses didn't try. The director didn't try. No one tried in this “movie” Vice. This is about a robot girl that doesn't know that she is a robot, a place that lets you come and live out any fantasy for a price, and a cop that plum don't likes it one bit. It stars Thomas Jane and Bruce Willis and likely various others that have two names. I must mention that almost every guy in this is a horrible human being.

This movie has every single police cliché said that you can think of. Nothing about it is cool, funny, or creative. It exists just to exist. And don't get me started on the security teams that can't hit anything that they shoot at unless it is completely still and five feet from them. I have seen a few future type movies that make me feel this way in how lazy and unoriginal they are like last years Automata. I hope no one else wastes their time seeing this crap. Just when you think it can't get worse it finds a way to.

Click here for previous Theater Whore

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