Sunday, May 24, 2015

Theater Whore: Tomorrowland

Tomorrowland 4/10

This will have some spoilers. As Tomorrowland ended I asked myself “Who would like this film that I know?” and “Would I recommend this to someone with a kid?” The answers I came up with were “No one” and “No.” This is about a girl that was chosen to help save the future. If I say anymore than that I'll just start to confuse myself all over again.

The best part of this movie is the beginning. A young George Clooney that creates a rocket pack ends up in Tomorrowland and it is awesome and fun. Then the young girl who is the real story starts talking and its all downhill from there. She is smart I guess. She gets handed a pin to travel to this future land and searches for someone to explain what it is. A robot girl helps her. They go to Tomorrowland after they ruin Clooney's life and its not a paradise anymore.

If this movie was about the first 15 minutes it would have been fun. I really liked the start. But the rest was not interesting to me or fun at all. It looked good. The effects were really nice. But I don't know who this is for. As an adult the story was way too weak to keep me interested. There are too many grown ass concepts for kids to get. I guess they'd enjoy the special effects. They would've enjoyed the future parts even better but that's only about 15 minutes of a two hour movie. And it felt every bit of that two hours.

Click here for previous Theater Whore.

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