Saturday, August 8, 2015

Stop It Kelly Osbourne

We live in a world where in one moment something you say can spread to thousands or millions of people and once you say it it can not be taken back. Back during the Oscars Giuliana Rancic made a comment about this young actress/singer named Zendaya in regards to a style of dreads she had. By the way, they were the cleanest looking dreads I've ever seen. She said “I feel like she smells like pachouli oil” and someone else chimed in “or weed.” Yeah. I know. I bring this story up because immediately Kelly Osbourne jumped down the throat of Rancic on Twitter. I will not change any of the spelling. Wallow in the ignorance and lack of spell check.

Im giving everyone involved 24 hours to make it right or the world will hear how I really feel. contactually Im not allowed to speak! I DID NOT MAKE THE WEED COMENT. I DO NOT CONDONE RACISM SO AS A RSULT OF THIS IM SEREIOULSY QUESTIONONIG STAYING ON THE SHOW!” She was ready to quit this fashion commentary show because of what Rancic said about someone she knew. 

Rancic, while stupid for making the comment in the first place, issued a well stated apology. “This really has been a learning experience for me, I've learned a lot today. And this incident has taught me to be a lot more aware of cliches and stereotypes, how much damage they can do. And that I am responsible, as we all are, to not perpetuate them further.”

Well played. Now, I brought up that incident from February to point out a dumb ass statement made my Osbourne recently on The View. Yes, that show is still on the air. While discussing a comment made about immigrants made by Donald Trump Kelly thought she was making a valid point. She wasn't. She was saying a stupid ass statement made by thousands of others who thought they were doing some good. 

“If you kick every Latino out of this country, then who is going to be cleaning your toilet, Donald Trump. In the sense know what I mean? But I'm saying that in L.A., they always...” As soon as those words left her stupid lips her co-hosts were like “Oh, no...” Rosie Perez chimed in “Latinos are not only the only people doing that.” Kelly knew she done goofed and added “No, I didn't mean it like that! Come on! I would never mean it like that! I'm not part of this argument.” Millions of people reacted like this.

Someone had Perez apologize for getting upset at Kelly's comment which in the real world wouldn't have happened. Kelly even said Perez had every right to be upset. “I want to apologize to this young woman once again for being overly sensitive. No, Kelly Osbourne is on our side and I was sensitive. My disdain should go to only Donald Trump, so I'm sorry, darling.”

No, you and every Latino, Chicano, and Hispanic had every right to be upset because they are always grouped together in this dumb ass stereotype. Kelly rode Rancic into the ground wanting her gone for what she said about one girls hair. What will happen to Kelly for what she said about an entire race? Will there be sensitivity training? An apology tour? Or will they just hope it all fades away from the news? “I want to start by saying I always take responsibility for my actions. In this particular case I will take responsibility for my poor choice of words but I will not apologize for being a racist as I am not. I whole-hearted(ly) fucked up today. I don't want to bullshit anyone with lame excuses.” So far Hulu has already pulled that particular episode from their site.

Click here for previous Stop It Posts

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