Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Steel Punch Video Game Soundtrack

I started producing songs a few months ago for rapper Dan-e-o and was one of the winners of a contest. While creating beats and such I started to have the idea of creating a soundtrack for a video game. No, this game does not exist. I originally planned on making maybe three songs for it. Next thing you know there are songs for each level, boss battles, and bonus stages. Steel Punch was born!

Eventually I'll get around to creating characters and a back story for this but for now it exists as a video game in my head with a soundtrack for anyone to check out. This was fun to do and I tried to keep it based on the music that inspired it like Streets Of Rage, Daft Punk, and the Drive soundtrack. Click here if you want to download it as an mp3.

Steel Punch Start Menu 0:00 – 1:02
Character Select 1:02 – 4:34
Level 1 4:34 – 6:34
Level 1 Boss Battle 6:34 – 9:38
Bonus Level 1 9:39 – 11:06
Level 2 11:06 – 13:06
Level 2 Boss Battle 13:06 – 14:50
Bonus Level 2 14:50 – 15:57
Level 3 15:57 – 18:57
Level 3 Boss Battle 18:57 – 20:58
Bonus Level 3 20:58 – 21:57
Level 4 21:57 – 25:16
Level 4 Boss Battle 25:16 – 27:15
Bonus Level 4 27:15 – 28:00
Level 5 28:00 – 29:55
Level 5 Boss Battle 29:55 – 31:19
Bonus Level 5 31:19 – 31:53
Final Level 31:53 – 34:49
Final Boss 34:49 – 36:56
Insert Coin To Continue 36:56 – 37:20
Game Over 37:20 – 37:59
Steel Punch Credits Theme 37:59 – 40:00

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