Sunday, December 6, 2015

Theater Whore: Brooklyn

Brooklyn 8/10

The second movie Cam and I watched was Brooklyn starring Saoirse Ronan who I later realized I'd seen in Hanna and The Grand Budapest Hotel. Brooklyn is about a young girl from Ireland named Ellis Lacey being given the opportunity to move to America in the early 1950's. She leaves behind her mother, sister, and her friends. She gets there and is all kinds of sad until she meets this super nice guy Tony played by Emory Cohen with an Italian family. She lives in a boarding house with these other girls and they bring most of the funny moments at the dinner table. There was one moment that made me cackle for a moment surely embarrassing Cam.

While living in Brooklyn she gets a nice job and is in love so of course tragedy has to strike. I wont say what happened in case you see this which you should. The look of this movie was very good as well as the acting. I liked seeing Saoirse and Tony together in this. He reminded me of Ryan Gosling in Drive but less killy. If you get a chance to see this you really should. I'm not sure how much attention it is getting but it should be getting more seeing as how I didn't know it existed until I was sitting in the theater.

Click here for previous Theater Whore.

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