Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Theater Whore: Jem & The Holograms

Jem & The Holograms 2/10

I did it. I watched Jem & The Holograms. I told everyone that I was gonna do it and I did it. Now I feel terrible. It wasn't as bad as I was expecting but when I was expecting for my face to melt off and my ancestors to rise from their graves and shout in anger that is not saying much. This was not a movie for anyone that ever enjoyed the series or just likes the character of Jem. This movie is great for an 11 year old girl that has never heard of Jem and just stumbled across this. Oh, and she has to have terrible taste in music and have no concept of how the internet works. That helps.


So Jerrica Benton and her sister Kimber live with their aunty played by Molly Ringwald. There are the other two girls but whatever. All the girls love singing and shit but Jerrica acts all shy. One day she records herself singing in disguise and calling herself Jem. She doesn't like it and thinks she erased the video but her sister sees it and loads it on Youtube. Suddenly Jem is a sensation with a whopping 30,000 views. Yeah. In 2015 that many views don't mean shit. Suddenly she is whisked away to L.A where madness ensues like a hunt using a robot her dad made to find clues to solve a mystery! I'm not kidding. That actually happens in this. If you got mad at the end of Contact this will make you shit sideways.

This movie was just existing. It wasn't offensive as a fan of Jem because it was so far removed from anything connected to the cartoon. It would be like being upset with Marvel for not sticking to the original source material from the comics. This movie was similar in character names. That's it. Oh. And I love that the ending left room for a sequel. Hahaha! Stupid, hopeful movie. You'll never have a sequel. This movie made sure that no other Jem movies ever get made.

Click here for previous Theater Whore

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