Friday, August 26, 2016

Theater Whore: The Purge Election Year

The Purge Election Year 5/10

This will have spoilers. So close! They were so close to making a good Purge movie out of the three films so far (click here for the first and here for the second). The Purge Election Year is the most coherent of these films so far and I am hoping that by a fifth one they get their shit together and make something I can cheer for. They were smarter this time focusing on two groups of people coming together instead of a bunch of assholes that deserve to get purged in the first place. This starts off with a chick named Charlie Roan played by Elizabeth Mitchell being taunted by this terribly voiced assclown saying one of them will survive his purge. Eighteen years later she is running for President and blowing up the spot saying how the Purge is just a reason to kill poor people. Leo Barnes played by Frank Grillo is back and this time he is protecting her before the Purge. He's got her in a place on lock down because fuck it let's always wait for the last second, right?

At a store the owner Joe Dixon played by Mykelti Williamson and his partner Marcos plated by Joseph Julian Soria are just chilling as if people aren't gonna start slaughtering each other. He gets a call saying his insurance is going up and gets mad. Dixon's daughter Laney played by Betty Gabriel shows and the see on the TV that a new rules saying even high ranking officials are able to be killed is introduced. This girl and her friend walk into the store shoplifting and automatically I knew they were trouble...for my pants. I'm horrible. Give me a moment.

One of the girls known as Candy Girl/Kimmy made my eyebrows damned near scalp myself. I was like “Please, for the love of everything let this girl be over 25! Please!” She was a total asshole and I was begging for her to be purged but, damn it, she was cute as fuck. Her real name is Brittany Mirable and I had to wait till I got back and check how old she was. I sighed in relief like you don't even know. Back to the movie.

The rest of the movie is a bunch of running from people and killing. Pretty predictable. One thing I liked that they introduced was the fact that tourists were coming to America to purge for the day. Think about it. They show up and its legal to kill some folks before they head back home and share their stories with their other psychotic ass friends. 

The cute ass girl shows up again after having a piece of her ear shot off with more friends and a car covered in lights and a crazy ass mask. She gets fucked up and will not be in the next movie. They say there won't be one, but come the fuck on. We know the truth. This movie is so close to being good that I am seriously hoping that the next one kicks ass. It either needs to ham it the fuck up and show more bad things happening (this one seemed to have way less than the previous movies) or get serious with it and focus on the political aspects of all of this nonsense happening.

Click here for previous Theater Whore.

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