Friday, August 5, 2016

Theater Whore: Star Trek Beyond

Star Trek Beyond 5/10

This is so odd. I watched Star Trek Beyond despite not being a fan of the previous two films and it was mostly because I heard so much good about it. I was not in a rush to see this and was happy to wait for it to be on Amazon or something. So I watched it and while it is better than the last ones its still not great. The Enterprise once again gets attacked and destroyed by some bad guy that wants revenge for the wrong reason. Lots of crew get killed, they land on another planet where they figure out how to save themselves, and the end. This was not a bad film but ten minutes after I watched it I just asked myself “What was that about?” In each of these new films I like the beginning where they seem to be exploring or having fun on an alien planet and then it becomes explosion fest. This film is 90% fighting.

Click here for previous Theater Whore.

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