Friday, August 12, 2016

Theater Whore: Suicide Squad

Suicide Squad 3/10

This will have some spoilers. So I did it. I said I wouldn't see this movie (click here and here for those posts) and I did because I like to take one for the team sometimes. Suicide Squad is a movie no one asked to be made and it was so we have to deal with all of the whack posters, commercials, and bitching about how a directors cut is far better than what we're seeing in theaters. Hey. For sure that isn't a good defense. No one should be allowed to hold onto good material saying it makes the film better. Just release a good film. They didn't. This movie made me feel the same way Star Trek did after watching it. I was just like “Well, that was definitely filmed.”

What I kept hearing people talk about the most regarding this movie was how good Will Smith was as Deadshot, Margot Robbie was as Harley Quinn, and the soundtrack. I agree with one of those. Smith was good as Deadshot and if that was its own movie I would watch it because he made that character so interesting that everyone else seemed like ass by comparison. “Oh, you throw boomerangs? You have crocodile skin? You got a sword with your husbands soul in it? You're a six thousand year old witch? That sounds neat. I'm a dude good at shooting shit and I am far more interesting than any of you.” He doesn't always wear the mask but its fine because it looks kinda dumb in real life.

I should probably talk about the plot. Amanda Waller is scared of people like Superman because what if, like, he decides fuck saving people and starts hurting us? We need a backup plan. No, not heroes! That would be crazy. Lets get some of the most dangerous villains and blackmail them into helping us and if they don't we'll blow their heads off? Yeah? Great plan, right? So they have Killer Croc who is there to make me really listen because I could barely understand his voice. Katana because Asian. Harley Quinn who has a baseball bat. Captain Boomerang who...drinks. He throws an actual boomerang once or twice. Slipknot dies immediately. Rick Flag running things but not really. Deadshot who just wants his kid safe and taken care of. The Enchantress who was straight up hot garbage. She sucked so hard! They really shouldn't have used this character and if they were at least get good CGI. She was shit.

Someone no one is really talking about it El Diablo played by Jay Hernandez. This guy was good. Pissed me off because I had a cholo gang member character years ago named Fuego but lets not get into that. Besides Deadshot he is the only one that had an actual backstory. I liked this guy and when he got all super cool bionic at the end I was impressed.

Back to the plot. They are all forced to work together at stopping The Enchantress from bringing her brother back and taking over the word by building a machine. Bitch been sleep for thousands of year. Wakes up wanting machine. Anyway, they fight a bunch of smokey zombied humans for a while and whatever. It stank. Jared Leto is in as the Joker and worse than I imagined. He wasn't scary. He wasn't cool. He wasn't interesting. It was like some dude dressed as Joker doing crazy shit. And don't give me that shit about how much of his stuff was cut out. I don't care how many condoms he sent costars or how many psychos he talked to in preparation. This isn't The Joker Returns. He honestly didn't even need to be in this movie.

This is one of those movies that I will forget happened in a few months until doing my best and worst of the year. Could this have been good? Of course. But when I keep hearing that it is bad because of “the studio” I just roll my eyes. I don't want to see more of this movie to make me like it. Make me like what you put in theaters and get happy when it is available to watch at home with extra shit. Oh, and as for the soundtrack everyone is raving about, its awesome if you like hearing a different song you've heard hundreds of times in your life being played for a few moments.

Click here for previous Theater Whore.

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