Sunday, January 29, 2017

Theater Whore: Lion

Lion 5/10

There will be some spoilers. I am baffled. That's my new favorite word by the way. I am baffled by the fact that this movie has gotten so much attention and award talk. Baffled! Its not a bad movie but its not like “Wow. This is so incredible I cant wait to tell more people about it!” Its a decent movie. Lion should have been called An Unfortunate Series Of Events...In India. I mean, come on. This kid named Saroo and his brother, mother, and younger sister and living in super poverty so they sell coal and do odd jobs to make ends meet. One day his brother leaves him to do a job and come back but Saroo gets impatient, hops on a train, and ends up almost 2,000 miles from home.

After finally being able to get off the train he dodges multiple attempts by dubious ass adults who wants...something from him. Its creepy as fuck. He ends up on the street with some others kids. One day someone spots him and takes him to the police. Of course he doesn't know his mothers real name or where he is from so he ends up in some kind of orphanage. He gets adopted by a couple from Tasmania and he is now an adult going to college.

This family loves him and a year after he is with them they bring in another kid and just from the look of him me and Camille were like “One of these things is not like the other...” The other kid, Mantosh, is fucking bananas. Even as an adult his brother is bonkers. He gets the desire to find out what happened to his real family and the movie because an example of how not to use Google. It is so aggravating watching a movie with someone using the internet. Eventually, after ostracizing his new family and girlfriend, he figures out where he is from and heads off to find his real family.

Like I said, this was not a bad movie. But it wasn't amazing. There were so many good movies that came out last year that deserved way more attention than this is getting and I am still not sure why it is. I never need to watch this again. La La Land, Moonlight, Deadpool, Midnight Special, Too Late, these are movies I can watch repeatedly. Y'all can keep this one.

Click here for previous Theater Whore

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