Saturday, February 25, 2017

The Review: Hell Or High Water

Hell Or High Water 8/10

I had heard about this movie Hell Or High Water a few months ago but didn't really make any effort to watch it. Mostly because between all the movies being cranked out at the end of the year and all the new TV shows and shit to watch some really good films fall between the cracks. This is one of those movies. It does not have a huge cast but the few people that the story focuses on bring their A game. It stars Chris Pine and Ben Foster as brothers Toby and Tanner Howard. Tanner just got out of prison (you find out what he did later) and they begin robbing banks in Texas.

Jeff Bridges plays a a Texas Ranger named Marcus Hamilton. He plans on retiring soon which means the countdown begins on when this poor bastard is going to get killed. Its kind of a rule in movies. Its like the guy who in the middle of the foxhole shows pictures of his wife and kids before being blown to hell moments later. He and his partner Alberto played by Gil Birmingham are tracking these two down because their robberies are getting more bold and dangerous. That's Tanner's fault. He is fucking nuts. Its like having a pitbull for a brother.

I purposely left out a lot of description about this movie because it is a very simple premise and it ended in a way I was not expecting. I enjoyed the story, the music, the acting, and the tenseness of this. This is not a movie where bodies are flying all over the place and trails of blood are being left all over Texas. This is a good hunt movie. It reminded me of Heat in some ways and No Country For Old Men in others. Both of those are great films so its in good company. I never really gush over Pine but Foster was so good in this. Bridges is almost always good and uses his cowboy voice again (the same from True Grit and R.I.P.D) but a bit more clearer. Check this out on Amazon.

Click here for previous The Review.

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