Sunday, March 5, 2017

The Review: Sneaky Pete, F Is For Family, Peaky Blinders, The OA

Sneaky Pete 3/10

I plowed through a bunch of series the last month or so. Well, the first episode for most. There are so many shows now that I am no longer giving shows two to three episodes before tapping out. The first was Sneaky Pete starring Giovanni Ribisi. Camille had told me about this show a while back and could not stand it. I decided to check it out and while I did not hate it as much as she did I found it rather boring. Its about a guy named Marius Josipovic that is a conman who gets out of prison and takes on the identity of a guy named Pete Murphy. He is on the run from a mob boss and hiding with Pete's real family that are bondsmen. I watched the first episode and could smell where this was headed. Then I watched the second and stopped halfway through because I just didn't care about this story or its characters. I wont bother ever finishing this and don't care another season is happening.

F Is For Family 5/10

I watched the first episode of F Is For Family. It stars Bill Burr who is one of my favorite comedians. It takes place in the mid-70's and follows him and his family and neighbors. It had some funny parts and chances are I will finish this at some point because some parts made me crack up. I like the music and simple look of the show. Imagine King of the Hill but with a shit ton of cursing and real reactions to nonsense by Burr's character.

Peaky Blinders 8/10

I loved this one from the start. This stars Cillian Murphy as a criminal right after World War 1. He is the semi-leader of a gang that gets major attention after stealing an assload of guns meant for Libya. I liked this show from the start. Its violent, cool looking, and has a story and characters that made me wanna just keep watching more of this. A detective is brought in which makes everyone upset because he is not one of them and he uses methods just as brutal as the guys he is trying to catch. Check this one out for sure.

The OA 1/10

This one upsets me because it started off slow, got good for two episodes, and then it took me three weeks to try and finish the fourth. I didn't. I started to feel like this show had an idea of what it wanted but didn't know how to get there and when it began to gather its footing would begin to drift again. Its about a young woman that returns after being missing for years and flashbacks to her as a girl in Russia that went blind after an accident. She can see now and you find out she was being held by some guy that kidnaps people that have had near death experiences because science. It gets so damned convoluted and I just could not hang. I read how the season ended and am happy that I quit when I did.

Click here for previous The Review.

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