Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Theater Whore: Spider-Man Homecoming

Spider-Man Homecoming 9 ½/10

Oh, I had all of the fun watching Spider-Man Homecoming! There will be some spoilers in this. I'm not gonna review this like I do other movies and cover it completely or anything. This movie is everything that as a fan of Tom Holland in Civil War and rated Holland as the best Spider-Man that I wanted. He was nerdy, he lacked confidence, had a great support group, and wasn't hated by everyone. This movie also had a really good supporting cast. It wasn't just about Spider-Man struggling with his powers and being hated by everyone in the city. He was an actual friendly, neighborhood Spider-Man which is something all other five films failed to do. People would see him and get hype and then ask him to do tricks. It also showed that crime is not always happening and sometimes there isn't even when Spider-Man thinks there is.

I am all over the place with this review so far. This starts off with a clean up crew run by Adrian Toomes played by Michael Keaton. He and his team pick up the alien shit left by the battle from Avengers in New York. By the way, love the continuity in these movies. One day a group run by Tony Stark aka Iron Man played by Robert Downey Jr. shows up like “Thanks, but we're doing this now. You're all unemployed.” Toomes steals some of the left behind stuff and his group start making weapons from it and selling them. This guy just wants to support his family and his friends and points out how Stark makes a mess then gets paid to clean it up. Toomes has great motivation to do what he does and Keaton, who later becomes The Vulture is awesome. This is better than a bald, old man in green tights with wings.

Peter Parker wants action. I mean, his first adventure with other heroes was so damned huge that he no longer wants to just stay in the city fighting crime. He wants to be an Avenger but Stark knows he is not ready yet. Peter continues to stay at school with his friend Ned. I was not a fan of Ned. This fucking guy, I swear. He accidentally finds out that Peter is Spider-Man and can not keep his mouth shut about it. He keeps asking questions, in PUBLIC, and shit and wants Peter to capitalize off being powerful more. Peter is trying to keep his secret, not die, be an Avengers, finish school, and go after this girl he is into named Liz. I waited until I got home and checked her age before perving because I'm an adult and prison is real. But seriously. Fuck Ned.

Marisa Tomei plays Aunt May again and she is by far the best Aunt May in these series of films. Not only is she able to portray a relationship with Peter an not just be a hurdle, but she isn't an idiot. It was so nice to see that. She isn't a victim just moping because Ben is dead. Oh, thank god they didn't show him being shot again! We get it. He dead. Its all Peter's fault. Zendaya is also in this as Michelle. She is not really a friend of Peter's so much as this bitter shadow that just appears to remind him that he sucks. Loved her. She made me laugh so many times in this. She also looked like she was woken from sleep by a ghost.

RDJ acts as a father figure to Peter and does not want that. At one point he takes away Peter's costume after he and Ned hack the shit and bump it up to its final form. Its already a cool suit but when it is super activated it has its own voice he names Karen as well as hundreds of abilities. He is always good as Iron Man and the cool thing is if you go back and watch his first film you see how much he has grown and changed since then. Jon Favreau is back as Happy and wants Peter to leave him the hell alone. Peter is constantly texting and calling wanting a new mission that never comes.

I don't wanna spoil much more about this movie because it has a lot of surprises especially if you know about villains from the comics. I read about who everyone I didn't know was and got excited because they are actual characters I didn't know about from the comics. This version of Spider-Man could easily have a Sinister Six which is something fucking nerds will not shut up about. In the older films they have had three Green Goblins, Sandman, Doc Ock, Venom, and Shocker. In this movie they had Vulture, Shocker, and even Scorpion. Those guys are all in this in a way that isn't shoehorned or scream at viewers. I doubt many people even got who Scorpion was. If you get the chance check this out. I wanted to see it in IMAX 3D or even regular ass 3D but the traffic on Santa Monica Blvd. in the morning is horseshit because of construction so I was late.

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