Thursday, September 7, 2017

10 Reasons Why You Should Have Watched Game Of Thrones Season 7

Game Of Thrones is halfway done with its final season and while I am pissed that it's ending I am happy that every single episode has been incredible and useful. Normally they will have throwaway episodes each season like when Bran is on screen for more than five minutes being spooky. But not this time! This time they were like “Fuck everything. People are gonna die. Creatures are gonna become zombies. Swords bursts into flames. Nephews fuck aunties. It's wild.”

Another thing I liked was that they gave no fucks about the next series of books that may never come out and are just writing a show which upsets readers of the book which makes me laugh. Sometimes I have trouble separating books/comics/graphic novels from TV shows/movies but since I have never read a page of the books I don't care but its funny listening to readers get upset. It's cool knowing some backstory to some characters but for the most part I don't give a fuck about the books and just want to watch a cool show and can ignore things like how fast they travel the land. Now here are 10 Reasons Why You Should Have Watched Game Of Thrones Season 7.

The Hound

This guy is one of my top three favorite characters on the show and may have had one of the largest turnarounds in terms of development as a character. When this show started this dude was one of the worst sons of bitches. Yeah, he got his face shoved in flames as a child by his now half-dead brother The Mountain, but still. He was a super dick. I started to like him as he traveled with Arya and even more as I got to see that inside him there was some form of honor. Sure it took him damn near dying from infections and wounds from having his ass kicked by Brienne of Tarth but it happened.

This season he got to fight zombies, sort of confront his fear of fire, and got in the grill of his brother letting him know that he would be the one to finally kill him. Like, for reals kill him. It was such a cool scene because I was so wrapped up in everything else happening that I managed to forget that they were related until he said “That's not how it ends for you, brother. You know who's coming for you. You've always known.” Then he steps away. I can not wait to see what happens.

Fire Swords

Fire swords! Fire swords! Dante wants a fire sword! Beric Dondarrion and one of his other crazy fire church friends whipped out fire swords during battle and I shit my pants and came. It was way sexier than it sounds. I know that there is magic on this show but it seems to be done in the shadows a lot of the time or disbelieved by so many people that I start to go along with them until someone like Beric grabs his blade and pulls flame from the shit. I know that if others make a list like this that fire swords likely wouldn't make it but then maybe you don't like fire the way I do. Not in a a creepy neighbor's kid kinda way but I have a healthy appreciation for how cool fire looks. And how else do you expect to fight zombie polar bears? Regular non-fire swords? Good luck with that, nerd.  

Daenerys' Crazy Ass

I love that this damned girl is slowly losing her shit like the rest of her inbred ass family did. Everyone thought she could escape it but nope. She has been showing more and more signs of it because its something that runs in her lineage. Don't forget, she tried to bring her dead husband back to life and walked into a flaming pyre with dragon eggs. Not crazy people do not do things like that! But I did like her more this season than others. When she used to proclaim all the shit that should be hers and the breaker of chains and blah blah blah I was not impressed. Even when she had dragons I liked those but not her all that much. This season she proved to be a potential powerful ass player in this series.

Jon Snow's Stubbornness

Oh, my god. This dude was stubborn as fuck but I liked it because so many people on this show lie and the next thing you know they get found out and killed. Well, Jon has died before but whatever. He shows up and all he has to do is bend the knee to Daenerys and she will help him fight the zombies. He won't. Later all he has to do is bend the knee to Cersei and she will also help fight the zombies. He won't because he did it to Daenerys already. He explained it clearly why he could not and Cersei did not like that shit one bit but eventually changed her mind because zombies...but it turned out she was lying her ass off because that is what she does. Jon is noble as fuck. More noble than he knows it turns out which is why he ended up having sex with his auntie!

Littlefinger Gets It

All these years I have been waiting to see the look on this assholes face. All these years of lies, killings, and trickery finally caught up with Littlefinger in the best way. I didn't want this guy to be poisoned or killed in some lame ass way like falling off a horse or in battle. No. He got it while trying to set up Arya to be killed after convincing Sansa that her life was in danger. He was just standing there all smug until Sansa turned on his punk ass. Seven years for that face and it was worth it. Creepy old bastard.

I'm not saying he wasn't a smart dude. He was smart as fuck. He just got comfortable in a world where you never should be. He was the opposite of Samwell. Samwell got exactly the career he had wanted with a wife and child and still wanted to do more and help others. Littlefinger's entire life was clawing to the top no matter the consequences. And the consequences was being turned into a Pez dispenser.

Them Lannister's

One the one hand (literally!) we have Jaime. This dude has been through all kinds of shit culminating with losing a hand. He comes home and finds all his kids are now dead. His sister blew up the city using the same technique he killed the Mad King for. Finds out an old lady poisoned his son. Dragons are a thing and they turn things to ash. His sister is now pregnant with their child. Oh, and zombies also exist and are headed their way and even though his sister now knows this as well she is still willing to let everybody die or become the undead just to prove a point. I don't see how he comes out of this without killing her. It's funny how a guy that started off the show pushing a kid out of a window and crippling him because he got caught banging his sister is now one of my favorite characters.

On the other hand we have Cersei. This woman has learned nothing! If anything she finds a way to get worse every year. Now that she has The Mountain with her she has reached new levels of cocky. If she had her shit together in a not so evil way she could actually win this whole thing but her thirst for revenge is going to be her undoing. She knows that Tyrion didn't kill her son. Yeah, he killed their father on the toilet but he kinda deserved it. She is preparing to send mercenaries out to kill who is left after the battle against zombies. She employed the use of a big ass crossbow to take a dragon down. I am pretty sure that Jaime is gonna have to kill this woman which I have a feeling he'll balk at last second and get his head squished by The Mountain. Hopefully Tyrion can somehow take her ass out.

Euron Greystone

It took me a moment to recall who this lunatic was but made quite an impression in a very short amount of time. He proposes to Cersei because why not? She declines and he decides to bring her something to change her mind. He finds his nephew and niece, Theon and Yara, and after Theon jumps overboard like a little bitch brings Yara back to Cersei pulling her by her neck like a dog. His fleet destroys the Unsullied's. This guy is nuts but super effective. By far my favorite scene with him was after the reveal of the White Walkers. He asked the most important question. “Can they swim?” After being told they could not he booked it saying “I've been around the world. I've seen everything, things you couldn't imagine, and this...this is is the only thing I've ever seen that terrifies me.” Of course his ass will be back but that scene made me want to watch an entire show about his crazy ass adventures at sea trying to bring back sea monsters.

Tyrion Can't Win

I love Tyrion on this show. This dude has defied all the odds to somehow still be alive and kicking. His hooker girlfriend betrayed him. He got hit in the face with a battle ax. Killed his father on the shitter. Survived people with grayscale. Was not immediately killed by Daenerys and became her right hand. Made it through a meeting with both his brother Jaime and sister Cersei with his head still attached to his body. Now his job seems to be trying to keep Daenerys from going crazy. Everyone is speculating the look on his face when he knew Jon and Daenerys were fuggin' on the boat. His plan to sneak into King's Landing failed and Daenerys let him know that she was sick of clever plans and just wanted to burn some shit. I get it. If I had dragons I would look for reasons to set shit on fire. I'm not sure where Tyrion is gonna end up and am concerned for his safety.  

Arya Is Batman

After all of the shit that this girl has been through she finally made it home. She traveled with The Hound, fought, left him for dead, became an assassin, got to murder a room full of guys that participated in the murder of her mother and one of her brothers, made it home after finding out her brother is king and getting there and beat Brienne in a duel, and got to slit Littlefinger's throat. All in all a pretty good season so far.

The way this show is I was fully expecting shit to go down during that trial. I thought she was gonna be brought out, it would go dark, and next thing you know the room is full of dead people with only her sister and Littlefinger standing. She didn't have to lift a finger...except to kill Littlefinger. It's crazy to look back at the first season and seeing this tiny little tomboy that is now this trained killer and one of the most deadly characters on the show. How. Sway?!

Night King Will Not Lose

That's my bold prediction. This son of a bitch will never lose. This guy has never said a single word. He now has control of a dragon that he took out himself. He can bring things back to life. Not turn something like a zombie does by biting. Nope. Just touch it. Even if its dead and raggedy. There are a lot of theories about who he was, who he may be, the extent of his abilities. To me the less I know about him the better. There are some villains, even though he may not be a true villain, that are better treated as a force of nature. With his super dragon he has done what has not been done in centuries which is put a hole in the wall. The episode ends with Night King riding a dragon and thousands of White Walkers going through. This show is gonna have a sad ass ending.

Click here for previous 10 Reasons

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