Wednesday, September 13, 2017

The Review: Legion

Legion 10/10

I decided to take a small break from watching Ozark after this cute woman at work suggested I check out the FX series Legion. If a cute woman tells me to do something, be it watch a show or go to hell, I'll do it. I knew it existed and had zero interest in watching it. Some of the reasons why were because it was X-Men related and fuck that franchise (click here to read my bitching about it) and everything associated with it. Another was that the trailer did not make me interested in even checking out a single episode. I know who Legion is. He's Professor X's crazy ass son who tried to spend more time with his dad so he went back in time and tried to kill Magneto and ended up shooting his dad instead and fucked up the Marvel timeline meaning making it cooler. Why in the fuck would I want to watch a show about him?

Turns out I was ultra mega wrong. This show was fucking incredible. Every single episode was good. Every. Single. One. That is so damned rare these days. I should probably explain what the show is about. Dan Stevens stars as David Haller aka Legion. No one calls him that. He is in an institution because he is stone cold fuck nuts. He ends up meeting this girl named Syd played by Rachel Keller. Allow me to go on a rant for a moment. A good rant. For me.

I am so into this chick its not even funny! Every time she was on screen I smiled...except when that fat monster was trying to touch her. That was gross. But I like everything about this girl. It's like she was made in a lab for me to stare at. I would never try to talk to this girl if I ever met her in real life. I have trouble talking to women I like. Its a thing. Won't look at them when I talk. I ramble. Its a thing. This girl would think I was insane. Seriously. She is too cute for me.

So David is nuts and Syd shows up. She has an ability to swap bodies with people if she touches them. Everyone else at the place just thinks she is another crazy person. You know, I am having a really hard time explaining this show in a linear manner because it goes back and forth through David's mind and past and there are parts that aren't even real because of “the devil with yellow eyes.” Dude is creepy as shit! I knew who this guy was as soon as I got a good look at his face because I used to read comics. David also has a friend at the institution that also pops up in his past as a friend that used to do drugs with him named Lenny played by Aubrey Plaza. Yet another chick on this show I fell for! What is wrong with me?!

The supporting cast of this show is also cool. There is Cary and Kerry Loudermilk played by Bill Irwin and Amber Midthunder. I was so confused by these two and their abilities at first but once I understood thought it was super creative. They are the same person. When Cary was born as a boy this little girl would just come out of him as another person. The reason she is so much younger is that she only ages as she is outside of him. When she is hit and gets absorbed back into him he gets the injuries. He is super smart and works with the team that rescues David while Kerry is always down to fight and prefers when things are happening. Otherwise she wants to train or just be inside of Cary.

The rest of the cast is cool as well. There is one mutant (a word they can actually use on this show) that can just swat folks away psychically and they fly away. He does it with boulders too like it's nothing. Another can go through your memories with you which is a very important part of this show. Jean Smart is Melanie Bird. Not sure what her powers are really. Maybe she is a psychic of some sort? Not sure. But her husband played by Jemaine Clement from Flight Of The Conchords is cool in every scene he appears in. Its super hard to describe this show without ruining too much of it which I don't want to do. If you get the chance to check this out you should. This show is crazy, violent, funny, dramatic, action packed, and definitely a show I'll have to watch more than once because even while watching shows showing what I missed I still feel like there's even more.

Click here for previous The Review.

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