Sunday, October 8, 2017

The Review: Batman And Harley Quinn

Batman And Harley Quinn 2/10

I love how so many people love the character of Harley Quinn and the response by movie makers is to just fuck her up and make her act stupid. I finally remembered that Batman And Harley Quinn was a movie that was made and checked it out tonight. I could have easily missed this and been fine with my life. DC has managed to make a lot of shitty animated films lately with really good art and voice acting. But, my lord, whoever is writing their stories needs to stop. I'm not quite sure who they are for. If it is for new fans then all the in-jokes in this will make no sense and as a fan of the original animated series this was just insulting.

Poison Ivy is working with some whack ass plant man that is not Swamp Thing and they want to turn everyone into plants because we are destroying the planet. Nightwing ends up finding Harley working as a waitress in a restaurant where all the waitresses dress like sexy superheroes. Batman does not want her help but ends up accepting it after finding Harley and Nightwing after they had sex. I know. They pepper in some cursing, Harley acting sexy, and in the end work well together. Yay and all that shit. Oh, and the real Swamp Thing does show up way late into the fight and he is fucking massive and doesn't do a goddamn thing. And the ending of this was total bullshit. Fuck it. I am dropping my rating even lower. Hold on.

I liked the art and the voices except for Harley's. It sounded like someone doing an impersonation of Harley. Do not waste your time watching this. If you are a fan of the animated series stay away. If you like good animated films watch one of DC's older ones because these new ones are just the drizzling shits now. It does not help the same guy that directed this also directed four of the last horrible animated movies.

Click here for previous The Review

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