Friday, October 13, 2017

The Review: Big Mouth

Big Mouth 9/10

Jasmine suggested I watch this series Big Mouth on Netflix and said that if I was not into it in the first five minutes to stop. I begrudgingly gave it a try and am so happy I did because this show was so damned wrong in every sense of the word but had me cracking up laughing. I had seen posters for this and ads but did not like the animation style so I was not willing to give it a shot but Jasmine knows what makes me laugh so I watched this entire season in two days.

This show is about a group of friends in junior high and all of them are horny. They are so horny that a monster is the manifestation of it. Andrew is being controlled by his hormone monster named Maurice who is trying to guide him through puberty in the worst ways possible. His best friend Nick is upset after seeing Andrew without pants on accident and gets pissed that not only does he not have pubes but that his junk is significantly smaller.

Their friend Jessi ends up getting her first period while on a field trip to the Statue Of Liberty wearing white shorts that her mother suggested she wear. Her hormone monster is named Connie and begins controlling Jessi making her scream at her mother and act emotional to get what she wants. And it works. There are also some more friends like Jay who wants to be a magician and lives with his psychotic mother, divorce lawyer father, and insane as fuck brothers. Oh, and a pillow he fucks and gets pregnant. Yes. That. Happens. There is also a girl named Missy who is funny as hell with no intentions of being so.

This show is full of so many characters and they are all so well written that even if a character is in just a few episodes you remember them and what they do. No one is quite a bully because they all act so shitty to one another there does not need to be. Their parents are funny and some have problems they think their kids don't see just like in real life. Seriously. Your kids are fully aware that you hate one another. The voices are perfect. God, there so is much more I want to say about this show but don't want to ruin it for you. Just watch it for the songs and the ghost of Duke Wellington. Fuck he is funny.

Click here for previous The Review.

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